Thursday, March 28, 2024

Media hiding reality. Is it based on raced?

Recently, two teenagers were found shot to death within a mile of each other on I-5 in the vicinity of the North 85th Street on-ramp towards North Seattle.

This was the headline picture on KIRO 7 News:

Couple of happy, sweet-looking kids... maybe 5th graders.

But that's not the reality of today. THIS is the reality of today:

You won't see or read anything about this in the story by KIRO 7's Debra Horne.

Why won't you?

Why was this left out?

I appreciate Debra Horne's reportage. But sometimes, I get the feeling that we're not being told the whole story for some reason. And why might that be?
These were not "children". Why are they being portrayed that way? Why is their gang-banger wannabe profile being withheld? Why not tell the WHOLE truth? Why show their pictures as if they were 11?
Is this a tragedy? Perhaps. But if so, it was a tragedy years in the making with this inevitable outcome and all this "grief" is a product of those portrayed as parents and relatives and who are definite accessories for this outcome.
If black lives are to matter... then why didn't the lives of these kids matter back when something could be done to impact this horrific outcome?
Why is this being soft-sold? Why not tell the WHOLE truth? 
Is the picture with these kids playing gangster stereotypical?

Absolutely. But that's neither here nor there. It's ALSO the TRUTH.

Was it left out so as to not possibly interfere with the obligatory GoFundMe rip off pages set up for the funeral of these gangsters? (As of this writing, just under $25,000 has been raised in part due to Horne's advertisement and pictures showing then-innocent children as opposed to now, the not-so-innocent gangster types)

There's an element of fraud to all of this. And Horne, et al, damned well know it.

This is more than a blatant attempt at total manipulation. They knew it, and anyone reading their tripe knew it.

And this is why media becomes increasingly less-trusted and more despised.

Had Horne laid out the WHOLE story, the families wouldn't have made a dime off this inevitable outcome. So, she didn't.

Simple, really, when you think about it.

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