Friday, February 09, 2024

The proof of the leftist double-standard of justice and Biden shoots himself in the foot.

The only real surprise from the special counsel report on Biden's theft of documents, their illegal disclosure to non-cleared personnel and their subsequent lack of security was that he admitted it in the report at all.

There's only so much one can conclude from the report: first, that Biden is guilty of mishandling the documents, but everyone knew that already.

"A painful report for Biden: Hur laid out in detail how Biden mishandled classified materials, writing that FBI agents discovered materials from “the garage, offices, and basement den in Mr. Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home.”
The materials included classified documents, including some marked at the highest top secret/sensitive compartmented information level, related to military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, as well as notebooks containing Biden's handwriting. Hur’s report also included photos depicting various parts of Biden’s homes, materials at issue in the investigation and other relevant scenes over the years."
Biden for his part, never had the authority to take or distribute any classified documents, nor did he have the authority shared by Trump to declassify any documents.

Biden, who has never taken responsibility for any of his myriad lies, missteps or mistakes; naturally blames everyone else for his actions:
 "President Joe Biden placed the blame for his handling of classified documents on his staff, saying he took responsibility for “not having seen exactly” what they were doing.

“I take responsibility for not having seen exactly what my staff was doing,” Biden said, when asked by a reporter if he took responsibility for being careless with classified material. “Things that appear in my garage, things that came out of my home, things that were moved -- not by me but my staff."
The leads to two possibilities: the Counsel's description of Biden's mental acuity and the basis for failing to recommend charges is accurate, in which case the reality of Biden's complete lack of fitness for the Office of the President is obvious and he must be removed via the 25th Amendment immediately... or, in the alternative, the Counsel's conclusions concerning that acuity are in error, in which case, Biden should be charged immediately.

Biden is a "well meaning, elderly man with a poor memory." For his part, Biden denies having the reduced mental ability of an avocado.
“How in the hell dare he raise that?” Biden said in response to the Counsel's characterizations of his failures to remember key dates and events.
It is, instead, this conclusion: One of two things is obviously true and one isn't.

The basis for failing to file charges is not, as leftists will claim, a lack of evidence to support the allegations Biden is clearly guilty of committing.

It is, instead, this conclusion:
“Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” they wrote, adding that Biden “is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt.”
I reiterate: if that assessment is accurate, Biden has no business being in ANY office, let alone the presidency.

If that assessment is INaccurate, then there is no reason of any kind to avoid recommending charges against Biden.

That charges will NOT be recommended, even in the face of Biden's decimated mental health, is additional proof that there's one standard of justice for those in government on the left.... and a completely different standard for those in, or seeking, governmental positions on the right.

And the American people damned well know it

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