Friday, January 19, 2024

Thoughts on Trump and democrat panic/efforts to keep him off the ballot.

First and foremost, no state has the ability to keep him off the ballot. Federal candidates are not subject to state or local laws concerning ballot eligibility.

The Constitution alone determines that eligibility. And while we're aware of leftist efforts to jam as many illegal aliens as possible into this country to vote leftist (in their calculus) efforts to date to enable them to, de facto, vote in Federal elections have failed.

So far.

(As an aside, leftists claimed (falsely) that Russian interference was the main reason Trump won in 2016. Many of those whining about "election denial" from 2020 were just as guilty in 2016.

Everyone from the White House serial liar press secretary, Karin Jean Pierre to perennial loser Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams have routinely denied the 2016 and other election results.

Yet now, their unmitigated efforts to promote foreign interference from within this country in our elections aren't even remotely hidden. They're out in the open for all to see.)

That said, leftists need to be extremely careful, since, if successful, it's entirely possible that if such a weapon is aimed at Trump, it could equally be aimed at Biden.

Trump has yet to be convicted of anything. Until he IS convicted of anything, in the eyes of American jurisprudence, leftist efforts to reply on a Constitutional Amendment (14th Amendment Section 3 - Disqualification from office for insurrection or rebellion) to attain their goal of restricting citizens who support Trump from voting will fail.

Ultimately, the US Supreme Court will make the final determination.

But in reviewing recent leftist history, it won't matter what the Supreme Court rules if, as expected, they rule in favor of Trump.

That, of course, is the basis for the Lilliputian type variety of double-standard legal cases to tie Trump up in knots and their efforts to bankrupt him in legal fees.

"Justice" does not appear to be the goal here. A weaponized series of alphabet agencies, from @doj and the AG as well as the @fbi appear to be doing all they can to force a "speedy trial" because man, oh man, what happens if Trump is reelected?

State efforts coordinated with the White House out of New York and Georgia all have the singular goal to do everything they can to damage Trump politically.

But this effort to lower the evidentiary bar to "allegation" as a basis to disqualify someone at the state level in a federal election?

That sword cuts both ways, and leftists would be well-served to remember that.

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