Monday, January 15, 2024

Is the police officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt FINALLY going to face justice?


WARNING: the video that is part of the article is GRAPHIC and includes the shooting of Babbitt by then Lieutenant, now Captain (yes, he was actually promoted after the murder) Byrd.

It MAY be that then Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, best known for murdering Ashli Babbitt on Jan 6, 2021, could finally be in the process of suffering some accountability for his actions.

Audio tape which recorded Byrd falsely claiming to radio dispatch that shots had been fired on the floor of the House and then falsely claimed to radio dispatch shots were fired in the House Lobby, also falsely claimed that shots were fired at Capital Police officers.

These radio calls were made before he shot Babbitt. At least one additional false call was made after the shooting.

Babbitt, for her part, was both unarmed and nonthreatening. Babbitt, who was shown on video throughout this episode, "...did not hit the glass or cause any damage during her stay in the corridor, according to video evidence. The video shows that Babbitt actually interfered with agitator Zachary Alam’s attempts to break the glass and finally slapped him in the nose after he busted out a side window."

On January 5th this year, a federal lawsuit was filed by Babbitt's husband for wrongful death resulting from Byrd shooting her.

I have frequently wondered why either GOP House Speaker, McCarthy or Speaker Mike Johnson made no effort to hold hearings on the shooting to determine the truth of the matter.

IMHO, that failure, which certainly would have happened had the shooter been white and the victim black, is just another example of the GOP's misfeasance in office.

Should these allegations be proven in the lawsuit, both parties will have a lot of explaining to do for their respective parts in the obvious cover-up of what actually happened.

Byrd, for his part, has remained a member of the force since the murder took place (including promotion to Captain) and has, as I have said many times before, not received so much as a parking ticket.

Additionally, it appears that transcripts of this radio traffic were altered:

"The transcript of the OPS2 radio communications provided by the Department of Justice (DOJ) as evidence in the Jan. 6 criminal cases doesn’t include the words “we’re prepared to fire back at them.” The DOJ transcript instead says, “And it went, so we locked it down.”

Thus, whoever made the misleading edits to the Department of Justice transcript, and whoever signed off on them, knowingly committed a fraud upon the court."

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