Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The bigotry of the left on full display: Nazi-like hatred for all to see.

For the past few decades, it's fallen out of favor for democrats to refer to their true nature as illustrated by slavery, the Klan, and assassination/lynchings of blacks and Republicans. Their racism and bigotry, as expressed by several black members of Congress and several other terrorist supporting members of the democrat persuasion have done all they can to appear as racist as possible without crossing the line.
In Congress, a resolution condemning Hamas passed the House overwhelmingly with 412 votes on Wednesday, with nine left-wing Democrats voting against it and six voting “present.” (A lone Republican, Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, also voted against the resolution.)
Democrat terrorist-supporting thugs such as Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) show off their terrorist tendencies by threatening to get physical with those holding them accountable for their bigotry:
On Thursday, Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), a centrist, said on X, formerly Twitter, that the 15 Democrats who didn’t vote for the resolution were “despicable and do not speak for our party.” In response, one of the 15, Rep. Andre Carson of Indiana, called Gottheimer a “coward” and a “punk,” and invited him to settle their differences physically.
Terrorist supporter Democrat Rep. Rashida Talib (D-MN) PHOTO: ALLISON BAILEY/ZUMA PRESS

Until now.

Now, they've found a new target.  Now they've found a new outlet for their racism and bigotry.


Black organizations from the organized crime fraud group Black Lives Matter to the so-called "squad" in Congress have made their bigoted hatred known.

Since the hamas terrorist attack that slaughtered 1400 unarmed Israelis (Including at least 32 Americans) and the kidnapping of some 240 more (including some Americans) democrats have made their hatred of Jews known.

Yesterday, Jewish students at Cornell University were plagued with actual death threats of such ferocity that NY Governor Kathy Hochul was forced to provide security by sending New York State Police to guard a named location close to the Cornell campus. The threats reached a point where Governor Hochul actually went to the Center for Jewish Living (A target of the death threats) to speak on the issue herself. The FBI has been notified: however, the question of their veracity as a federal agency is always under review.)

The Daily Mail did a story on a NYC reporter who hired a body guard:

Jewish NYC journalist Emily Austin hires BODYGUARDS after receiving death and rape threats by anti-Semites

College campuses across the country have cooperated with the Nazi-like hatred of Jews, by allowing, coordinating and supplying pro-terrorist demonstrators across the country, from the University of Washington to Harvard, Yale and several other fringe-left inculcation bastions in between.                                                                     

Columbia Jewish Students Say Death Threats Are Pouring in From Their Peers: ‘I Do Not Feel Safe’

Leftist professors, journalists and doctors have made no secret of their hatred and bigotry towards Jews.

For the left, hatred of Jews is generally an inherited trait. They operate mainly on hatred, so they have to have SOMEONE to hate: government, capitalists, laws of all kinds, you name it.

Over the decades, they were forced to STOP hating blacks. Many blacks have been fooled to the extent they've firmly chained themselves to the plantation. And if you don't believe that, just see the racism and bigotry poured out against those who actually LEAVE the Big House.

The filth ladled out against those who shake free from the bonds of the fringe-left hive is typical of the bad old days when leftists lynched those who wanted freedom, or the right to vote, or to actually live a life of their own making, free from the shackles of the democrat centralism practiced by the leftist scum in charge today.

Today we have demonstrations demanding the eradication of Jews. We have Jews in America who are threatened with death daily simply for having had the destiny to have been born in a Jewish family.

Demonstrations ironically equating Israeli's generally and Jews particularly with Hitler, et al, which is somewhat ironic given the historical facts of Palestinians lining up to enlist in the Waffen SS during World War Two:

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, meeting with Hitler.

Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem salutes Bosnian Muslim Troops of the 13th Waffen ...
Amin al-Husseini, salutes Bosnian Muslim Troops of the 13th Waffen SS "Handschar" Division, 1943

Like leftists everywhere, they have no care or concern over peaceful demonstrations. After all, how can one be peaceful while simultaneously calling for the end of an entire race?

And for the most part, city governments and campuses are willing participants to this prelude to yet another Krystalnacht.

Most every one of these protests involves hate speech, for example, but what do any of these authorities do about it?


But imagine, if you will, if things were just a tad different.

Do you believe for one moment that these same organizations that allow and frequently foster this hatred would be so forthcoming if the protestors were, say, white supremacists? Or the ubiquitous "Proud Boys?"

And the target of such a grouping was, in fact, a racial or sexual minority?

Hell, no.

So, one if forced to ponder: why do they allow these hate-fests now? Why are our tax dollars going to support these terrorist-inspired scum?

Simple: most every one of these places is governed or controlled by leftists who, at some level, essentially agree with the protestors/demonstrators.

Block traffic?  No problem. Who gives a rat's ass about the public who expect law enforcement to, well, enforce the laws? Hate speech? Well, we all know that hate speech rarely applies to those of a religious persuasion.

Unless, of course, they're Muslim. Then, say the wrong thing and you can expect to get locked up.

But Jews?  Nah. It's open season.

We have a Second Amendment. I urge everyone who either is Jewish or who sympathizes with the Israeli plight to utilize that most basic of Constitutional Rights.

Secure a firearm. If you don;'t know how to properly use one, then learn how. Keep it with you ate all times and know when and under what circumstances it's proper to use it.

Remember, when seconds count, the police (if they respond at all) are only minutes away.

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