Thursday, September 28, 2023

ANOTHER democrat buying votes.

California's mental midget governor, Gavin Newsom, who wants to be president so bad he can taste it, just signed a law to give California burger flippers the highest minimum wage in the country.

The insanity of that is obvious.

1. If a fast food joint stays in business, they'll have to jack up prices an insane amount.

2. A massively inflationary move.

3. This will obviously result in massive unemployment in the sector Newsom is extorting money for votes from.

4.  This obvious lack of judgment shows Newsom is unfit for ANY elective office, let alone governor... or president.

Among the LEAST qualified people getting the highest minimum wage in the country.  And all of this is on him.

New California law raises minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour, among nation’s highest

Among other insanity's this lowlife babbled was this:

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the law Thursday amid a throng of cheering workers and labor leaders at an event in Los Angeles. Newsom dismissed the popular view that fast food jobs are meant for teenagers to have their first experience in the workforce.

“That’s a romanticized version of a world that doesn’t exist,” Newsom said. “We have the opportunity to reward that contribution, reward that sacrifice and stabilize an industry.”

Showing, clearly, once again, that Newsom and reality don't simultaneously occupy the same space, ever.

WHAT sacrifice do burger flippers make?

MOST of them ARE on their first, or close to their first job.  If they had the skills for some OTHER job, even a brain-damaged idiot like Newsom would know THAT's the job they be DOING.

Another sickening, corrupt move that will cause horrific damage to an industry already hard hit by inflationary pressures that will now have no choice but to severely cut an unskilled workforce, making it even MORE difficult for those kids to get a job.


I wouldn't let this moron run an elevator for me.

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