Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Trump January 6 indictment isn't political... is it?


Face it.

Allegations that this is purely motivated by election politics are going to be hard to ignore.

To have avoided that claim, there's no reason they couldn't have waited until after the elections.

But then, Biden/DOJ/FBI/Alphabet agencies have been involved in what the street refers to as "sketchy shit."

Is there a leftist "shotgun justice" scam going on?

Hard to say, exactly. But the obvious fact concerning these efforts by obviously weaponized agencies cannot be overlooked.

I must admit, I was sure they wouldn't do this if for no other reason than this:
Now, Trump can put everyone involved on the stand under oath.
Pelosi. Schumer. Biden. Pelosi's staff, Schumer's staff. Pelosi's daughter. Ray Epps. The leadership of the House police. The scumbag who slaughtered Ashli Babbitt.
This is a disaster for the left and they don't even know it yet.
Nothing political about this, right?

Meanwhile, the more obvious irony is clear as a bell. These agencies are working a 100 times harder to get rid of Trump than they ever did to look into election irregularities.

My position since the beginning was this:

The left missed a huge opportunity to put all of this to bed... except, of course, they never WANTED to put it to bed.

They WANTED this outcome.

Because I've wondered since the beginning when it came to election irregularities, why didn't the left join in the call to investigate instead of doing everything they could to block these investigations, including filing suit?

Why wouldn't they WANT to investigate?

It COULDN'T be that they didn't want to risk upsetting the apple cart since they got the result they wanted.

Could it?

Imagine where we'd be right now if the leftists in charge had merely said, "Yup, there were some things that happened this time that didn't happen last time. Why is that? Who made that happen?"

But, oh, hell no.

Leftist election deniers abounded. The scumbag Congresswoman from Seattle's 7th District made a serious effort to stop the official recording of the electoral votes. It was so bad, even Biden slapped her around and effectively told her to sit down and STFU.

Meanwhile, the current White House Press Secretary, Karin Jean-Pierre was a vocal election denier:

And it doesn't look like SHE was cancelled.

But hey, it's different when leftists do it.

The reality, however, is that now, under discovery under oath, ALL of those involved are subject to examination by the defense. And that could get even worse than Hunters DOJ cover-up fiasco.

And all of those feds in the FBI who were involved and all of those police who opened up doors to the Capitol Building and so on.

This will get real ugly for the left. Real fast.

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