Sunday, August 20, 2023

Not interested in a butt-kissing presidential candidate: Vivek Ramaswamy Wants to Give Putin Whatever He Wants in Ukraine

Is this a case of complete ignorance of geopolitics, particularly in Europe?

Or is this guy trying to out-Chamberlain Chamberlain (Ol' "Peace In Our Time")

I get that many on the right are complaining about US support of Ukraine. They manage to conflate all other problems they view as unaddressed, as if those problems would be solved had Russia, at Biden's invitation, had not invade Ukraine. That, of course, is no where close to the truth and in a sober moment, even opponents of this support would agree, but not in the midst of a partisan firestorm wherre EVERYTHING BIDEN DOES IS WRO)NG.

Most either don't know, or if they do know, care; that we guaranteed Ukraine's territorial sovereignty/security as a condition of getting rid of their nukes back in 1994, something that, come to think of it, Russia did as well.

The basis for that position, essentially, rests with WHO is doing the support: if Biden wants it, it must be wrong.

But even a broken clock is right twice a day. 

We kind of learned SOMETHING from our isolationism pre-WW2. Many in this country felt the same way about Adolf and the Emperor. How'd that work out for us?

If this guy wants to start by ignoring agreements we made, then what makes anyone believe he'll keep his word about anything else?

Vivek Ramaswamy Wants to Give Putin Whatever He Wants in Ukraine

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has a reckless plan for achieving U.S. global dominance: giving away other countries’ territory.

Ramaswamy is already under fire for his objectively terrible plan to let China invade Taiwan after 2028 if he were elected. Now, the presidential hopeful thinks that Russia should be allowed to keep the parts of Ukraine it currently occupies.

“Our goal should not be for Putin to lose. Our goal should be for America to win,” Ramaswamy told CNN Thursday night.

Ramaswamy said that U.S. involvement in Ukraine is strengthening the Russia–China military alliance—and the only way to break that alliance and bring Russia around to the American side is to give Vladimir Putin what he wants.


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