Tuesday, June 06, 2023

PGA takes the knee for LIV Golf. Like Barkley, it would seem they'd "play for the Klan if the money was right."

FOX Business reports that the PGA will be merging in with the hated/despised LIV Golf.

Remember the animus and anger about LIV and how those who agreed to their stunningly huge contracts would not be allowed to play in PGA tournaments.

To explain this, the OPGA is gonna have to tap dance like Fred Astaire.

Clearly, Tiger should have signed on the dotted line when he was offered a billion dollars to sign up. It will be interesting to see if Tiger has moved off his “Greg has done some things that I don’t think are in the best interest of our game, and we’re coming back to probably the most historic and traditional place in our sport. I believe it’s (turning down the contract) the right thing.”

As Charles Barkley once said, "I'm no role model. I'd play for the Klan if the money was right," or words to that effect.

Obviously, the money is right for the PGA.

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