Saturday, June 24, 2023

Late thoughts on the Durham Report.

 As the Durham Report verifies, the allegations Trump has leveled against the Letter Agencies of the Federal Government were largely correct.

Allegations repeatedly condemned by democrats and their media arm in the most vicious abuse of the First Amendment in American history, it does call into question other allegations by Trump and other condemnations by democrats.
Politically, democrats lie.
At roughly every level down to the local, leftists view words roughly the same way Muslim militants view them as means to an end. (For further info, look up the words "Taqiya" and "Kitmān.")
They lie, because of course, they get away with it.
Yesterday, when I posted the direct link to the Report, I wrote "DOJ Special Counsel John Durham's report is out and while damning, it simply won't make any difference IMHO."
In everything from the MSM burying this story (while so many of the fake, completely contrived allegations against Trump got the front-page-above-the-fold treatment, I haven't seen much mention or discussion of it by the leftist-controlled media organs) to the lack of listing those who caused these outrageous weaponizations against political enemies for indictment, I somehow knew as bad as this report was going to be, it wasn't going to make any difference.
Leftists, of course, completely dismiss any allegations regarding the theft of the last (and perhaps other?) elections.
But then, they have frequently dismissed every allegation, later proven factual, that Trump et al, have made.
When the allegations concerning the theft of the 2020 election were made, I repeatedly stated the obvious: every effort to investigate any aspect of that election was fought by the left. They'd scream, they'd go to court. They'd vilify, they'd attack. They'd harass. And they'd do those things mainly because they didn't care if the election WAS stolen, they got the outcome they wanted and they were not about to risk that outcome due to investigations into the not-explained-to-this-day irregularities of that election.
Imagine how different things on our political landscape would be today if they had said something to the effect of, "you know what? There WERE some strange things going on in this election... so let's join with you to examine these allegations and see where the evidence takes us..." or words to that effect.
Faith in our electoral system is part of the fabric of our Nation. Without it, we're just another 3rd World dictatorship. And that fabric is frayed when it doesn't have to be. And it's not the allegations of electoral fraud that fray it. It's the failure of government to actively investigate these allegations and put them to bed, or, in the alterative, confirm them.
Many of the allegations made by Trump concerning FBI and FISA and other agencies have been shown to have been accurate. Much of the weaponization of the FBI is confirmed in the Durham Report.
But those responsible will never be held accountable any more than Hillary was held accountable for shattering federal law and setting up her bathroom server so foreign interests could check out her email before she did.
And while Durham knows full well those directly and actively involved in a rank weaponization that continues to this day in the FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Joe Biden White House, none of them will ever be prosecuted or held accountable in any way. It's a free pass like those on the Epstein flight list have received, or those 217 or so members of Congress who used taxpayer dollars to pay off their victims of sexual assault/harassment.
And why will it continue?
Because from their perspective, there's no reason it shouldn't.
I say it here first: the predicted and overwhelming Red Wave that failed to materialize in 2022 is the precursor to the 2024 presidential election: Once again, the Republicans will lose.
Ask yourself why Biden has announced his reelection bid? Because his handlers believe it's already in the bag. And they will have had 4 years to refine their shtick, to make it much less obvious and much more subtle. And the same leftist deniers that were out in full force since November of '20 will be out there with their hypocrisy: the same people who claimed Trump's presidency was illegitimate and then vociferously defended the 2020 election will be out there doing it again.
The Durham Report portrays federal agencies as extensions of the Democrat National Committee. It's a portrait of direct federal government interference and a four-year long coup attempt that violated the rights of Trump and dozens of others.
There will be no outrage by the left. There will be no media calls for justice. There will be no demonstrations.
I can't even begin to imagine what would be happening now if, in fact, Trump was president and this report came out concerning FBI efforts against Biden.
Instead... so far... we don't even get a media yawn. And we likely won't in the future.

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