Friday, June 30, 2023

I'm hearing our military academies are exempt from yesterday's affirmative action ruling.


I'm hearing our military academies are exempt from yesterday's affirmative action ruling.

Quoting here:

"However, the Court specifically exempted the military academies from its decision on race-based affirmative action. The majority opinion, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, said in a footnote that this policy would not impact how military service academies approached admissions, citing "distinct interests" those institutions have.

"The special nature of military academies and their interests was addressed in an important amicus brief filed in Grutter v. Bollinger almost 20 years ago," said Lawrence Friedman, JD, professor of law at New England Law Boston. "The Supreme Court's decision tacitly acknowledges that."

The Supreme Court's decision allows the academies to continue race-conscious admissions policies that have historically been justified by the need for a diverse officer corps. As of 2022 the Department of Defense’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion assessed that while 19% of the military’s enlisted personnel were Black, only 8% of its officers were Black."

THAT makes zero sense. There is NO other endeavor which should be based more on achievement than the military.

Further, the basis for getting rid of AA insanity is it's a violation of the 14th Amendment. How is it possible to carve out an exception to a Constitutional amendment?

In a combat situation, do you want your leadership to have become your leadership based on what they've accomplished or as a result of their skin color?

It is VITAL that only the very best and brightest of our youth gain entry into the Academies that produce so many of those whose profession is to protect this country.

And how is ROTC effected by this?

Most officers in the military do not come from the Academies. Most are from ROTC across this country... now ALL in institutions of higher learning that can no longer consider race-based admissions.

Exempting the Academies will not achieve whatever goal the Court was looking for. How they thought this would do anything except to lower the standard of excellence typically required for Academy admission is beyond me.

There could, of course, be a political element to this: Appointments to Academies are typically as a result of congressional nomination and, Heaven Forbid that any member of Congress be denied the opportunity to secure admission for whoever they want, whenever they want.

But generally, those doing the nominating don't have to live with the consequences of their actions.

It's the troops in the field who do.

Affirmative action, at best, is an ongoing violation of the 14th Amendment. It's not limited to colleges. It's a violation ANYWHERE it's practiced, including private employment and military recruitment.

It makes zero sense to hold the Academies, which provide a college education, to a lesser standard than any other college.

While I was in the Army, I didn't give a rat's ass what color my commanders were. The question boiled down to competence.

An officer's competence has nothing to do with their race. One knows what they're doing or one doesn't. One can cut it, or one can't. And in the Army, as we said, there is only one color: Green.

Until now. NOW, special consideration for race will become written policy under the cover this insanity provides as Biden continues his destruction of the US military.

This decision will lead to lower standards across the board. It will lead to race-based, as opposed to merited; promotion, assignments and schooling.

The argument that the military must put "diversity" AHEAD of competence, ability and achievement is insanity.

Sadly, it's yet another sign that civilians who never wore the uniform have no more idea of what that responsibility entails than they can levitate.

And they completely blew the call here.

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