Wednesday, January 06, 2021

(October 8, 2020) I've come to the conclusion.... that President Trump is going to lose.

I've been doing politics for a long, long time.  Thirty+ years or so to be precise.

I've held many... most... political organizational positions up to the state level, where I actually served as executive director of the Washington State Republican party.

In 2016, I knew almost from the start that Trump was going to win. He was unlike anything the political world had ever seen, and the Establishment hated him.

And they hate him still, democrat and republican. They have been doing all they can to undermine him, attack him, destroy him and his family.

They've weaponized government against him, committed treason, insurrection and attempted at least one coup.  And none of them have been indicted, reinforcing the idea that justice is an abstract construct to those in government; who have no difficulty abusing the Constitution, or in the case of Obama, using it as their own personal roll of toilet paper.

If you or I commit treason, we are arrested/indicted and face a judge and jury.

If you're a member of Congress (Ilhan Omar, for example, is likely guilty of immigration fraud and campaign fund fraud... who should lose her citizenship and go to prison, then be deported) you break the law with impunity.  If you're Maxine Waters, you call for, effectively, the overthrow of the US Government because you don't happen to like who's running it.

And you suffer no consequence for that.

Most reading this, if politically aware to any extent, already know these things.

But these attacks are no different than what he survived to get elected... and I was convinced that he was likely to win.  The crimes these thugs and others have committed had become common place, and ultimately had no impact on the electorate.

So, what's different now?

Riots have gone on for months.  Those arrested, even for felonies, are quickly released.  Murders, arson, looting, assaults, rapes.  No one seems to be held accountable and the White House refuses to act to restore order.  Democrats are silent as their terrorist allies do the dirty work the left feels is needed to get rid of Trump.

That is an extension of what leftist higher-ups have done.  Biden, Obama, Clinton, Comey, the entire upper echelon of the FBI... all should face criminal sanctions.

And when you don't prosecute the top, what message does that send to the bottom?

Terrorist groups like antifa and BLM are given free rein. They Kill.  They assault.  They attack police.  They burn.  They loot, because well, you know, nothing screams "social justice" like gutting a Louis Vuitton store for those multi-thousand dollar social justice purses.

And it goes on and on and on.  While the Fed does next to nothing about it.  Much like they've done next to nothing about the upper end leftists who have and continue to commit criminal acts with seeming impunity.

Trump was supposed to be the law and order guy.  But when it came time to applying those laws and that order, he did nothing more than threaten. As time went on, he became complicit.

Even in football, there's a saying that you're either coaching, or allowing.

After months of unrest, strategically it was becoming clear that he was allowing.

Here locally, we've undergone this same campaign, only in a micro-sense.  And defeat was the outcome.

We had a county commissioner who ran on a platform of opposition to the hated Columbia River Crossing, the unneeded, unaffordable and wasteful rip off designed to get the equally hated light rail disaster of Portland into Clark County.

He defeated a fake Republican who was rabidly in favor of loot rail and who had even lied to me about a local vote on the issue personally.

A local accountant reviewed the project and discovered that the people were being ignored, tens of millions were being misspent and that the entire process was corrupted.

Meanwhile, because this commissioner was being successful in exposing this rip off, local media and the left started vilifying him... a process that was started long before the election and continued for years after.

Leftists hated him so much that they literally changed the county's government in an effort to eliminate him, and Clark County has been suffering ever since.

The local excuse for a newspaper never let up on him.  He was criticized for everything he did, blamed for everything that went wrong and ignored for anything that went right.

He stuck to his campaign promises and became totally hated by the left as a result.

The pounding was relentless.  The lies, exaggerations, attacks... all of it went on and on and on.

So, when he ran for election as the county chair, others ran to split the vote to keep him out and they were successful.

The ultimate winner was that same fake Republican he had defeated in the first place, supported by the many other fake Republicans who endorsed him instead of the only ACTUAL Republican who was running as a write-in.

As Chair, he was the disaster I knew he would be.  RINOs typically are.

Which brings us back to this election and President Trump. Using the election I reference above, the issue becomes one of water torture.  The drip, drip, drip of lies, deceit, gullibility, voter laziness where they don't do the work; and, let's face it, voter stupidity, will have the same variety of cumulative effect nationally as it did here locally.

Joe Biden is a corrupt, dementia-addled, racist, pedophile, liar.

His VP pick is a political prostitute who had affairs with at least one married man to further her own political career.

Because of Biden's physical/mental condition, in a short time, there is little doubt that this prostitute will become president, one of the least supported democrats who ran for the president, a woman gutted on national TV by fellow democrat Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii.

Everyone is well aware of these things.  Biden's racism isn't hidden.  His withdrawal from the presidential race in '88 over plagiarism is well known.  Many of his racist tirades are captured on video and have been played ad-infinitum. His dementia is on full-display for all the world to see.

Harris's background as Willie Brown's slut is also well known, as is her incompetence and political racism as AG for California.

And Biden's supporters don't care.

They operate out of hatred.  They'd elect Heinrich Himmler if he ran as a democrat to get Trump out of office.

And that's exactly what has happened.

This is being written on October 8, 2020.  And I seriously hope I am dead wrong.

But this time, as last time, I don't believe I am.  And I will publish this as soon as the election is decided, regardless of the outcome.

Lord help us if I'm right.  Because as a nation, we will have the government we deserve.

NOTE: (Written November 4) It is becoming clearer to me that Trump's defeat is inevitable.  He needed Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan or Wisconsin.  As I write this, it appears he's behind in both Wisconsin and Michigan.  He could have lost one of the other but not both.

This observation has not been published before today and many might wonder why that is.  Many will claim this is revisionist history written after the fact.

Well, I saw no point in putting this out there because conservatives generally had used common sense and logic to determine there is no way... NO WAY.... Americans would ever support lowlife scum like Biden.

They are operating on emotion just as much as the left is.  And they had facts and figures available to support their positions.  Persuasive facts.  Persuasive figures.

But they failed to reckon with the one singular truth of politics: It doesn't matter who votes.  What matters is who counts.

I predicted back in 2016 that every election after that one would become increasingly violent.

This one is the most violent in American history as the left tore cities to pieces without fear of prosecution.

And Trump let them.

His failure was political.  His failure was to put an end to the violence and the leftist disdain for our laws. There is no question that he did a great deal of good.  But his failures... his failures to stop the violence in the cities, his failure to attack CHOP in Seattle, his failure to prosecute the leftists like Clinton, Obama, Comey, etc... his failures are what did him in.

Let this be a lesson to us all:

It is better to lose for doing the right thing than it is to slink away defeated because you ignored the right thing for political considerations.

Thank you Mr. Trump for all of the good you did.  For your efforts to return the Supreme Court to sanity, for your work on the economy.

But the fake Republicans the American people kept returning to office over and over; the failure to enforce the law; the treasonous, lying media... they all spelled doom.

And now?

We're screwed.

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