Monday, March 25, 2019

Why is the GOP Senate allowing the left to hang the President out to dry?

Readers are aware that there ARE actually TWO Houses in Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The House, of course, has opened up a dozen "investigations" in their abortive effort to hamstring Mr. Trump.

The Senate, fully controlled by the Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell (Allegedly R-KY) could put a stop to it immediately... within a matter of days.

Simply by opening investigations into House Members.

For every investigation the leftist scum controlling the House open up, McConnell could... and should... open up two.

Start with Nancy Pelosi's finances.  Then, let's take a look at the House rape list.  Then, we can segue into the Black Caucus.  Then, we could work over Maxine Waters, or our 3 Musketeer terrorist-supporting thugs.  Terrorist supporting thug number one, Ilhan from Minnesota.  Let's take a look see into the allegations she married her brother to get him, illegally, into the United States.  Let's take a gander at AOC's unpaid taxes.

Start at the top and work our way down.

My guess is these people would see the light and stop this nonsense.  And do so quickly.

Great visuals, by the way.  So far, these scum have escaped any personal scrutiny.  Isn't it about time that stops?

Yeah, they'd scream like cut cuts, claiming it was all retaliatory.  And so what?  You can come right out and say something to the effect that it IS retaliatory.

But the House is dead set on destroying a presidency for purely partisan reasons... even if, in the process, it's destroys US, the people of the United States.

So, yeah.... the path is clear.  The question: why isn't the GOP Senate taking it?

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