Monday, March 18, 2019

Seattle is Dying: proof that our legislature and out city governments are out of touch.

Seattle is Dying. An hour long special on what's happening, mostly in Seattle, about the "homeless" population and options as to what needs to be done about it.

As many of us have long since concluded, government in this state of our major cities, Seattle, certainly and Vancouver as well, simply are not capable of dealing with the increasingly omnipresent issue of dealing with the primarily criminal, drug-infested and mental homeless people that are an obvious issue in our communities.

Here, locally, the biggest example of moronic government is the Portland Soviet.  It has become a caricature of non-responsive, clueless government.

According to Eric Johnson, the KOMO reporter who put this brilliant piece of work together, 2 factors are startlingly clear: first, Seattle and the other communities around Seattle have wasted at least a billion dollars on the issue and it's getting worse.  And the second issue is what we all know: the more money these idiots waste on this issue, the bigger the homelessness issue has... and will... become.

Those of us living in Clark County are increasingly aware of the homelessness/drug/mental health issues confronting us and Vancouver city government has shown themselves to be no more capable of dealing with these issues than that of the Soviet cities of Seattle and Portland.

Johnson’s video should be mandatory for all legislators, who’ve done nothing about this issue visible to the naked eye, and all city council members where any homeless issue has begun to rear its ugly head.

There’s one thing all of these cities have in common: leftist government.

Republicans generally are nowhere to be found in these fringe-left enclaves. And the result?

San Francisco, Portland, Seattle… and now, Vancouver… the criminal, drug-infested and mental health damaged homeless… are becoming increasingly obvious and impacting.

There are examples of efforts that have had some positive impact on the problem as Johnson explains in this special.

Sixty minutes. Sixty minutes of pain. Sixty minutes of the city of my birth becoming a stain on our society.

Is this the future of Clark County? Do we want to become a microcosm of the larger cities around us, where, for example, Portland’s overflow wind up in our neighborhoods, our streets?

Johnson suggests that perhaps, the actions taken in Providence, RI, which includes prosecuting all of these crimes, providing a structured environment in corrections facilities and taking the needed steps to make a change.

Watch this video. The situation is NOT hopeless, but these leftists lack the political will to do what MUST be done.

The reality is clear: what our governments ARE doing simply doesn’t work.

Isn’t it time we tried something else?

Seattle refuses to even acknowledge that drugs and mental health are the prime drivers of the issue. It’s much like Obama refusing to utter the phrase “Islamic terrorism,” we cannot begin to resolve a problem as long as we refuse to actually acknowledge the problem exists.

Thanks to Eric Johnson and KOMO for doing the work and holding this mirror in front of the governments who can actually make something happen.

But I lack the faith in any of them that they will do what must be done to make this all a reality.

This post is to make you aware. It’s to get you to understand the depth and breadth of the problem confronting us and communities as small as Longview. Will the state take the lead? Will Inslee stop whining about the global environment and spend more time taking the lead to fix THIS environment?

Time will tell, but I am not hopeful.

All of us… all of YOU, MUST hold our governments accountable. They must ACT. Or the tents and the motorhomes sprouting up in Clark County will be exploding in growth and all of the issues that accompany that growth.

Are we going to see lists like the 100 frequent flyers in Seattle?

That’s increasingly up to us.  But the time to act is now.

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