Monday, November 05, 2018

So, how does all of this turn out?

Locally, here's how I see it.


Herrera (She has done nothing to deserve being elected to anything, but far too many people THINK she has.)

All current legislators remain in office.

Hoff is likely to win... just barely... which is sad, considering how utterly worthless he is.


Olson (she's unfit for office but she'll get both the RINO and leftist vote)

Lentz (She's a little hate muffin, to be sure; but this is the 49th we're talking about here... even though Lentz is a whackjob who lives on political hatred (And what leftist doesn't?), the other council members are further to the left than Lenin, so she'll join them in raising our taxes and fees, increasing regulations and just generally making them leftist puppets even more than they are now.)

Van Nortwick

Weber  (Liar or no (and he is) he's got an "R" after his name...)

Topper (Again, she'll get the leftists and the RINOs)


I don't really expect any of these to be huge victories with the possible exception of Harris because his democrat opponent, Giles, had that domestic violence issue to deal with.  Herrera, for her part, should do very well... Long has run the usual clueless leftist campaign that flies so miserably in the face of a GOP district.


I-940 - Reprogramming of police officers - PASS
I-1631- Add a fortune to the cost of energy - FAIL
I-1634 - Gets rid of Seattle's idiotic soda pop tax and keeps other municipalities from inflicting the same stupidity on us - PASS
I-1639 - Gun Grabber initiative: when the leftists claim they have no intention of grabbing our guns, feel free to show them this:  - PASS

The verbiage in the reprogramming initiative will get the left and the RINOs.  The jack your taxes up initiative will fail because of enlightened self-interest.  Seattle's soda tax was a stupid idea, horrifically implemented.  But the Gun Grabber initiative sounds too "reasonable."  It will get the huge vote in King County and it is likely going to be too difficult to overcome

There's been a seismic shift since the crucifixion of Justice Kavanaugh and leftist calls for violence against Republicans.

Democrats had hatred for their motivation and the Republican base stayed home in August.  But since their efforts to lynch Kavanaugh and their stupidity about assaulting Trump supporters... not to mention the Presidents insane rally schedule... I have come to believe the base has been activated enough to first, vote and second, vote for anyone with an R after their name on the ballot.

Anger will Trump hate, so to speak and I believe the leftists shot their wad last August.

If I'm accurate here locally, the Gellatly Cult with their idiotic "Be Bold" signs will take that waste of money and point to how THEY are responsible for a positive outcome... even though they financed no candidates, failed to support conservatives, split the party and wasted 10's of thousands of dollars because Gellatly's ego kept him from even bothering to show up for Court.

If I'm wrong, they'll TRY to shift all of the blame to those who opposed their Cult, claiming that WE split the party and doing everything they can to shift the blame away... while members of that cult then proceed to extend the Gellatly Cult era of incompetence and arrogance... maybe this time, minus the drugs.


Senate +3 or 4

House - 15 or so.

Those who had celebrities shill for them are likely to do the worst.  Abrams in Georgia, that criminal thug Gillum in Florida and whoever it is that's going to get clobbered by Blackburn in Tennessee.

In the last election, leftist who relied on "talent" didn't fare all that well.  I don't expect that to change.

And the shift in attitude along with some early voting numbers has convinced me that the base will rise up in these locations for the same reason the base will rise up here.  Minority numbers in the Hispanic and Black communities know what the President has done for them: the lowest unemployment figures in history are difficult to ignore.

The problem with the House winning is this:

What difference will it make?

Districts like ours, stuck with a clueless RINO idiot in Congress, won't see any change from her.  She's so vain, she thinks this vote is about her.  So to speak.

She'll continue to sit on her ass and accomplish nothing of importance while she keeps trashing the president and voting like a democrat.

And far too many in Congress will follow suit, like they have for the last 8 years.

That's a HUGE part of why so many GOP types are in trouble.  They failed to meet expectations and were far too much like Ann Rivers and far too little like Liz Pike.

If the left fails tomorrow, the outcomes in 2020 will be fantastic.  If they succeed tomorrow... the outcomes in 2020 will likely not be all that great.

None of this is empirical.  Certainly, there was no real empirical evidence when I picked Mr. Trump to win 2.5 years ago. But the totality of "mo" and the trend is away from the D's.  Is it enough?

We'll know in about 29 hours.

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