Monday, November 19, 2018

Crain proves she's unfit to lead: email response to Crain's screed

I appreciate Carolyn Crain’s most recent missive designed primarily to trash me as a part of her typically clueless campaign for county GOP chair.

It's an effort to somehow discredit my observations concerning her conduct; the damage she, personally has inflicted on the local party and to cast doubt on anything I may write or say in opposition to the utterly hideous idea that she be elected 3rd grade hall monitor, let alone chair of a party organization she was instrumental in helping to shatter.

I appreciate her effort because that effort, far better than anything I could ever write, proves beyond any doubt her utter unsuitability for any position of leadership or responsibility.

Here’s the reality…

Have you ever noticed that when someone disagrees with you publicly, they frequently refer to you on social media as a “liar,” but then fail to provide any proof?

Under the guise of trying to separate herself from those who threw their playground hissy fit in the form of “censoring” me, (and don’t they wish I’d shut up?) Carolyn Crain used that episode to publicly trash me in an effort to discredit my observations about her complete lack of fitness to run anything, let alone Chair of the local GOP.

This basic lack of honesty and whining victimhood, combined with the biggest, most disruptive mouth at any PCO meeting is just a prelude as to why she’s unfit.

While both Druggy Dave and Crain feel compelled to trash me because they claim I’m not a Republican, for example, Crain tells us:
We (who’s we? You’ve got a mouse in your pocket?) do not feel that under Washington State Law, it says that we do not register by party; there is any measuring stick to assess who is and who is not a Republican.
It’s that same measuring stick she wants to try to avoid. And that is the entire basis for the screed she sent out attacking me and holding herself absolutely blameless for the train wreck of a party we have now.

Well, let’s see.

Most recently, (and by “recently,” I mean “in the last election”) Crain endorsed and campaigned for nonRepublican Marc Boldt.

As shown here, posted under the guise of the fake Republican PAC she put together to oppose conservatives generally and Republicans running against Marc Boldt particularly, her endorsement before the primary was for, you guessed it: Marc Boldt.

Never mind that Eileen Quiring was on the ballot. Crain, once again, endorsed Boldt over a Republican.

There. See why she doesn't want that same yardstick those 4 on the EBoard used against me… to be picked up and used against her?

Locally, she was instrumental in her backstabbing campaign of lies and exaggeration to do all she could to make sure that no conservative was elected to the PCO ranks; again, joining with past RINO chairs like Ann Donnelly, Brent Boger, Ryan Hart, Stephanie McClintock, Margie Ferris and Mike Gaston.

By ramrodding this campaign of RINO hatred, Crain proved her true colors and showed that the basis for her peculiar politics is hatred… and nothing but.

For example, she is a staunch Gellatly supporter, even though Gellatly fed me information for use on my blog that he now so publicly claims to despise so that I could trash her with it. She is well aware of that, but it made zero difference to her: her rabid support of Gellatly continued unabated because principle is a meaningless construct to her... and when it comes to power, there is no lie she won't tell or allow others to tell to get it.

How many of you reading this now, for example, would doggedly support someone who had gone behind your back to get you hammered through a surrogate?

And this go-round of endorsing Boldt over a Republican is not the first time that happened:

THAT honor goes back to 2015, when Crain used her fake Republican PAC (RINOS of Clark County PAC) to oppose David Madore… and then, when Madore lost in the primary… to oppose Rep. Liz Pike’s write-in campaign in favor of?

Marc Boldt.

Yeah, right. Leadership that works. If “works” is what you call enriching the downtown special interests.

Now, none of you reading this knows Marc Boldt better than I do. He’s my brother-in-law and I worked directly for him for almost 6 years as his legislative assistant. I also knew that he had become completely co-opted by democrats who first saw him as a tool and then used him as one.

I warned everyone I could what would happen if he were to be elected and his disastrous tenure of massive tax and fee increases along with his ongoing rabid support of the CRC Scam happened EXACTLY the way I forecasted.

Well, Crain bears direct responsibility for that. Every tax increase from the county? That’s on her.

The 5 RINO former chairs who abandoned the GOP candidates running for county chair, including Rep. Liz Pike's write in campaign, and the 3 of those same RINO former Chairs, who happened to also have been PCO's for THIS election who endorsed Boldt THIS election, his horrific leftist performance notwithstanding?

That's on them as well.

Every county fee increase rammed down our throats? Carolyn Crain and those RINO former chairs who tossed the GOP out like yesterday's newspaper to get Boldt elected.

Had the RINOs done what they demand of us... had they voted Republican regardless of their hatred of conservatives, our county government would look completely different now and our tax bill would be much lower.

But they didn't.  And Crain wants us to forget ALLLLL about her part in that.

She would ask us to forget all about her direct effort, with money and time, to get a nonRepublican disaster elected instead of the Republican alternatives on the ballot as if that never happened…. And to ignore the fact that she campaigned AGAINST Republicans: first, in 2015 and then again in this past election.

Crain set up her leftist PAC in 2015 with the express purpose to oppose Republicans running for county chair generally and to support the disaster of a county chair, Marc Boldt, to the exclusion of anyone else, even during the Liz Pike write-in campaign.

How is it that Crain is so afraid of me that she reduces herself to this idiocy that shows she’s incapable of taking responsibility for her actions… much like the clueless idiot leaving the job now who also suffers from that same disease?

It seems to me kinda odd that people running this organization… the Gellatlys, the Jessers, the Meharrys, the Matillas… and yes, the destructive loud mouths like Crain, find themselves incapable of taking responsibility for what they've done and somehow hope that none of you reading this will be able to conclude that past is prologue and their despicable activities of the last 2 years will magically change in the next 2?

That’s what Crain would have you believe.

I absolutely and completely take responsibility for anything I’ve either written or said. Who in the current Gellatly Cult or the leftist RINO clique can say the same?

Now, everything I've written here is true… and quite factual. Crain's unsupported denials do not change history. Her description of my efforts to remind people of her idiocy?

Lie 1:
While we agree that for the last several years Kelly Hinton has repeatedly declared he is an independent even claiming the Libertarian hat does not suit him he filed to run as a Republican PCO.
What I have done is to declare that if this party is going to fail to hold candidates accountable when they lie to get elected, lie once they ARE elected, exaggerate, and vote like democrats on a regular basis, then yeah… I've got a problem with it.  I am a conservative.  Conservatives generally are most closely aligned with what is SUPPOSED to be the Republican Party.

Crain, being Crain, would never tell you that this election, I figured out that the BEST way to make a statement is to ALWAYS vote Republican.  Maybe just not the way the establishment self-aggrandizers wanted, but my ballot was ALL GOP, top to bottom.

But Crain’s claim that I EVER wrote or said anything about being a “libertarian” is like so much she’s written and said: a flat out lie.

I ask you: do you support candidates who lie? Who cave to the left? Who vote like they’re, say, Jim Moeller? Is the ONLY thing that matters to you a party label of convenience?

Crain, for her part, doesn't like it when I write these kinds of things. Facts are often quite unpleasant to those who want them buried. Right, Davey?

Lie 2:
We are aware that he continues to disparage all things Republican, i.e. our current elected District Senators, our Congresswoman and our current board for our mutual county Republican party. Yet we are distressed at the mere idea that we cannot find a better resolution to this issue of his probable infiltration with intent to destroy from within without violation of what we perceive to be the protected right under the 1st amendment and the Washington state constitution.
The first lie in this paragraph is obvious. I do just the opposite of “disparaging all things Republican.”

In fact, I was an early supporter of the President and stated he would win months before anyone else I observed did the same.

On the contrary, I respect and admire all things Republican.

Where Crain is obviously confused is that what I attack has nothing to do with “Republicans.”

Is lying Republican?

Is pledging to support or oppose legislation as a tool to get elected or stay elected “Republican?” Is then proving you were lying by doing the opposite and costing the people of Clark County $700 million as a result “Republican?”

Ask Sen. Ann “Gas Tax” Rivers. She sure wants us to forget what she did. So does Crain.

Have you forgotten? I'm reminded every time I fill my tank.

Is opposing bedrock legislation, like the repeal of Obamacare, joining with democrats to trash the President, failing to provide even a plan for our cross-river transportation issues for EIGHT YEARS, “Republican?” Are we to simply ignore Herrera's record like it never happened?

Is supporting legislation that caused our property taxes to explode and being lauded by leftist teachers unions for that betrayal “Republican?” Hard to say.

Alleged Republicans Sens. Wilson and Rivers, along with Rep. Paul Harris, were instrumental in this debacle. What’s their take?

BILLIONS added to the budget that never had to be. Why did they do it?

Who knows? But that they DID do it?

No question about it. The vote record doesn't lie.

These are among the standards which I use to judge those who claim the “Republican” label.

Republicanism is SUPPOSED to mean something besides a tool of convenience. Crain, for her part, is only enamored of the label… when it suits her. But she sure didn't seem to care that Marc Boldt had dumped even the pretense of being Republican to trash Republicans opposed to him in both 15 and most recently this past election…

No hypocritical double standard there, eh, Carolyn?

NO ONE, including PCOs, should merely become little Crainbots, opposing all conservatives, supporting all elected or campaigning RINOs merely because of a label to the exclusion of what they actually do and who they actually are.

As Republicans, we can never win by out-democrating democrats. And I have to wonder: did Crain throw this variety of hissy fit when Brent Boger, who quite publicly dumped the GOP when nonRepublican Boldt was censured for being Steve Stuart’s lackey?

Of course not.

Is reeking hypocrisy a characteristic of leadership that needs to be continued in the control of the local party?
“Yet we are distressed at the mere idea that we cannot find a better resolution to this issue of his probable infiltration with intent to destroy from within”
Odd that Crain would use the royal “we” so much. Or is it that Marcy is simply her sockpuppet and incapable of speaking for himself already? If so, THAT didn't take long.

Stranger still that Crain would accuse me of doing that which she has done herself.

Head on over to the leftist hate site, Clark County Citizens for Good Governance.

Look her up there and see how many times she’s trashed Republicans. See how often she’s whined and sniveled about how she’s been treated in that nest of fringe-leftists.

And SHE dare accuse anyone ELSE of being a “probable infiltrator?”

Her efforts are directly responsible for so much of the damage the local party has sustained. Outside of the Gellatly Cult types on the EBoard, no one bears greater responsibility for the shattered state of the Party.

She finds it impossible to keep her mouth shut at PCO meetings which she, personally and frequently, has attempted to dominate. She shows the leadership traits of a militant Bolshevik.

Lie 3:
I, Carolyn Crain, have been the brunt of his continuing onslaught for the last few years. He fails regularly to get any facts correct but he continues to attempt to wreck havoc at every turn. Am I really fond of such a character? Not hardly but I cannot defend the rights of myself and others to their freedoms without defending the right of him too. It is simply impossible to do for me.
Crain, you deserve everything I've ever written about you.

Meanwhile, she snivels so beautifully.

Can’t stand the heat?

Get out of the kitchen.

I, Crain falsely claims, fail regularly to get any facts correct.

What’s missing from that?

Why, the most obvious aspect: a list of facts I got wrong.

C’mon, Crain. Should be a piece of cake for you. But the idea that YOU say I’ve been wrong, without bothering to show where and how?

Your record of deliberate destruction, interference and campaigning for an incompetent idiot for county chair over actual Republicans tends to preclude you from making such a blanket judgment.

And if I need your help defending MY rights? I’ll certainly ask for it.

The reality is this: Crain’s effort to use me as some sort of campaign plank to get elected chair… Her lies, revisionist history, and failure to take any responsibility for what she has personally done shows beyond doubt that she is absolutely unfit to be elected to anything, anywhere. She’s only in it for what she can get out of it; no one else. She could care less about anyone but herself and her sickening me, me, me act wore thin years ago.

The responsibility for me and others calling her out for her lies, her documented efforts to get democrats like Boldt elected and her efforts to trash the GOP in leftist hate groups make her unfit. Because in the end, no one but Crain forced Crain to do any of that. And using me as her whipping boy… tearing me down to build herself up? That isn’t going to get her anywhere.

You see, I’m not running for anything in this party. My years-long effort to hold Republicans accountable for their failures flies directly in the face of what the establishment and the types like Crain want to hear. None of any of this is for the greater glory of me.

Everything Carolyn Crain says or does is for the greater glory of her.

She wants us to simply ignore the lies, the deceit, and the betrayals and act as if they never happened… because of a label… a label without proof.

This kind of poison pen garbage was what the RINOs used to kill the efforts of many conservatives to run for PCO. The only reason they didn't try that with me is, frankly, because they were too stupid and amateur to run someone in my precinct... because the thought simply never occurred to them that *I* would run.

I bet they wish they had now.

Remember: take the time to show up.  I know it’s a hassle, having been to many of these myself.  But we cannot allow a continuation of the last two disastrous years to continue to bring this Party down.

In that regard, I agree with her.  Show up.  Vote.  And vote against her and anyone like her.  The alternative is just too horrific to contemplate.

KJ Hinton

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