Sunday, November 11, 2018

A glimpse inside the diseased brain of the current GOP party chair.

This is the kind of hypocrisy the local Republican Party has to put up with from the Gellatly Cult.

Regular readers are aware of my characterizations of Druggy Dave.

An admitted cocaine user with evidence of using others drugs, all while GOP Party Chair.

A criminal record including 4 counts of theft 3, two DUI's, and failure to appear warrants; meaning just like when he blew off the AG's civil case against the local GOP he also blew off criminal proceedings.

This lowlife also filed suit against one of the Precinct Committee Officers, a suit that it would seem is being financed by a local moneyed interest that views Davey Delete as a total tool.

In addition to that, this scumbag has threatened others, including me; attacked others on social media, including posting that I was dishonorably discharged from the US Army as a result of having an affair with my commander's wife.

He knows as much about politics as he does brain surgery, and couldn't take a political dump without someone giving him instructions on how to wipe.

He has shattered any pretense of party unity and will be leaving the party in horrific financial shape due to his incompetence.

He is responsible for failing to secure any candidates for state representative and, of course, managed to help lose us at least one GOP seat on the county council.

He spends much more time attacking conservatives and socializing with democrats than he ever did campaigning against them.  His moronic "Be Bold" signs were a total failure, in that they did nothing to increase the margins of victory for local GOP candidates... yet they wasted good money buying them while failing to provide any funding to GOP candidates.

The proof of that pudding is simple: the margins of victory by GOP candidates are among the worst of any elections that have taken place here since the Red Wave election in '94.  In fact, as of this writing, our own congresswoman has lost Clark County by 3000 votes for the first time she's ever run.

He is doing his very best to make sure that I, a legally elected PCO, is not seated for the reorg, even though my term will begin on December 8th.

He does not like to be challenged.  He does not like to be called out.  And that is his effort to punish me for calling this asshole an asshole when he deserves it.

Like now.

I tell you all this, dear reader, to set the table for his latest horrific hypocrisy.

The local GOP will have its reorganization meeting on December 8th.  As part of that process, the Chair sends out a notice that includes some basic information.

Well, he did that... although he failed to send that information to me as required by the bylaws... not that he gives a damn about bylaws.

And, they were OK... nothing special... until this total hypocrite added this:

4. (a) No "slates" are nor will be ensorsed[sic] by the party nor its leadership. If slates are distributed, either printed or emailed, they should be disregarded completely, as members should vote for who they feel is the best individual for each position and we believe our members should not be told how to think but rather excersise[sic] their best judgement[sic] and are fully capable of doing so.

Spell check has never been his friend.

There is, of course, nothing in the bylaws that makes this decision, apparently unilateral on his part, enforceable in any way.

If the PCO's want to vote on slates, they can do so and there's nothing he'll be able to do about it, since he will no longer be Chair... and even if he were, there's nothing prohibiting slates, his dislike of them notwithstanding.

In short, no one cares that he wrote this garbage.

The italicized paragraph above is just another glance inside that brain dome, where he thinks he could rule by edict and like so many others things, he's dead wrong about that.

The next paragraphs are a masterpiece of his rank, reeking hypocrisy, for reasons already stated.

Talk about a case of not doing what I do, but doing what I SAY!

(b) Please keep in mind, all those who voluteer[sic] to give up their time to serve should be appreciated greatly by all of our members and any negative compaigning[sic] against our own members rather than qualifying their own candidacy shows a serious lack of qualification in itself.

Those who can run the most positive campaign will also be the best people to make our party positive for all of our members. Please keep communications positive and work together to elect the best possible team to lead us forward and continue the amazing work we have accomplished this past year together.

This from a liar with a criminal background.  This from a scumbag who has defamed, libeled, slandered and attacked anyone who opposes him on any subject.

This self-delusional moron refuses to acknowledge the mountain of wreckage he will leave in his wake, wreckage that may well take years to repair.  In his own way, he's as self-delusional as Hitler in the bunker scenes at the end of the war.

He and his enablers, including Mattila and Jesser, are those most responsible for this farce.  Also included in the RINO pile are announced Chair candidate Carolyn Crain, best known for setting up a PAC and campaigning for NON REPUBLICAN Marc Boldt, INCLUDING in this most recent primary where now Chair-Elect Republican Eileen Quiring was on the ballot; past RINO chairs who sent out poison-pen letters to attack conservatives and their fellow supporters.

The reek of their hatred of conservatives even seems to exceed that of downtown Vancouver democrats... if that's possible.

None of them are fit to be elected to 3rd Grade hall monitor.

So, there you have it.  This is Gellatly's effort to continue the incompetent disease he unleashed on an unsuspecting PCO population who failed to vet him, for surely, had someone with a record like this actually been discovered BEFORE the Chair election, there is precisely NO WAY he'd even been elected to even take out the trash.

His level of hypocrisy

Fortunately, we are well rid of this scumbag.  We likely won't be exposed to any more of his strip-club buddies and we have the opportunity to get rid of the stench he's left that no amount of air freshener will ever completely be able to eradicate.

For more background on this disgrace, just click this link.  You'll be able to read for yourself all of the many problems he's caused and the delusions he labors under... and the damage he and his enablers are causing and have caused.

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