Monday, October 22, 2018

What can the President do to stop the "Honduran" invasion?

Ok.  Thousands of illegals are coming.

Many of them may be terrorists. Many have been deported before.  Many aren't even from this hemisphere.

The Mexicans, for whatever the reason, are allowing them to proceed.  They could stop them if they had a mind to do so, they clearly do not.

So, the question is, what can be done?

President Trump, for his part, claims he is cutting foreign aid to the countries involved.  He's also talking about closing the border and deploying the military to seal it.

But how do they do that?

We could send 6 fully armed divisions to our southern border.

We can provide air cover of all kinds.

But then what?

What, exactly, does "seal the border" mean to these illegals?

If they are stopped on US soil, we can't just shove them back over the border.

We can't shoot them, as if American troops, en masse, would ever do such a thing.

So what, exactly, can the president do?

Because it sure doesn't look like much.

But they seem to have put him into a box.

And based on our laws and this situation, the only way to stop these people that I can see is to shoot them.

And even if that were legal?

We still won't do it.

So, the question is not so much will he do... as much as it is what CAN he do?

1 comment:

  1. No we cannot shoot unarmed people. But we can use all kinds of non-lethals and make life really really uncomfortable. You can air drop nets on large crowds, holds them in place while you spray CS tear gas. There's pepper spray, triple stand concertina wire, tasers, rubber bullets, night sticks, using loud music for an extended period. Basically discourage them from hanging around.


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