Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Leftist hate on parade: blowback against the Oregonian for disagreeing with the haters.

By now, those who read my meager effort here know about the Hovde column where, horror of horrors, she dared to write against the prevailing hate patterns of the left about Joey Gibson.

She stumbled across what those of us who have been paying close attention already knew: Joey does not have a racist or white supremacist (one in the same?) bone in his body.

And the fringe-left has become unhinged.

How dare @ElizabethHovde not write the party line?  How dare she print an opinion that didn't mesh with the racist bigots of the left!

The comments under her column show a white hot level of hatred against both Gibson AND Hovde.

The comments by the left here would have made Adolf Hitler proud.

We talk about "unity."

WHAT "unity?"  If you swim against the leftist tide, they want to silence you.  They want to destroy you.  They want to make you bleed.

What the hell is up with THAT?

There is no accommodation with leftist hatred... or hatred on the right, as far as that goes.

But the efforts of the left to silence those they disagree with will not prevail and the Gibsons of the world have every right to defend themselves.

Just like Elizabeth Hovde had every right to speak her mind in that column, a freedom the left clearly demands the ability to co-opt and make exclusively their own.

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