Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Hoff continues to shoot himself in the foot by going leftist on tolls in the 18th District.

There's stupid... then there's Larry Hoff stupid.

As most readers know, election night last August was a nightmare for Hoff and the RINO sockpuppets surrounding him.

In arguably one of the most conservative districts in the state, this leftist downtown mafia-representing "Republican" found himself on the wrong end of a primary vote by a downtown-Seattle style democrat who had simply out-hustled the lazy, clueless campaign currently running this formerly safe seat into the ground.

A conservative district requires a candidate that at least LOOKS like a conservative.  Brandon Vick, who also is betraying his district and Clark County by caving on the Rivers'-led CRC scam, has people wrongly believing he's a conservative, and what a difference that's made.

Of course, the fact that Vick's opponent has the name familiarity of the medulla oblongata might have something to do with it.

To bury his own campaign... deliberately... seems like a bizarre strategy, but Hoff has pulled it off brilliantly.

The people of Clark County do not want this.

The people of Clark County generally and the 18th District particularly are not interested in paying thousands per year in tolls for a bridge we do not want, do not need and cannot afford... particularly only to pay ADDITIONAL extortion to the State of Oregon once they manage to cross the river.

What's happened here is that the morons advising Hoff have hung their hats on the downtown mafia democrat demands that the people of this county hate.

What on earth makes those idiots believe that the hard core Republican vote in the 18th is going to come out for this clown?

In the primary, Vick picked up 18,748 votes.

Of that figure, 17,350 voted for Hoff.

Gillespie, who was crushed by Liz Pike by almost 10,000 votes 2 years ago, picked up 135 votes MORE than Vick.

That appears to me to mean that 1400 people who voted for Vick turned around and voted for Hoff's DEMOCRAT OPPONENT.

And here, they need to be asking themselves what's the difference between this cycle and last cycle?

The answer is simple: the GOP candidates in the 18th have lurched left.  And the further left they go, the less reason there is to vote for them.

The result?  Hoff was humiliated.  And he's only doubled down on WHY that happened.

That's a disaster.

And what lesson did the Hoff-ites learn from that horrific outcome?


So what has Hoff done?

Embraced the leftist democrat dream of ripping up downtown Vancouver and the I-5 corridor for 7 years to ram a massive, multi-billion dollar project down our throats all designed to get loot rail into Clark County... a massive waste of money that will do nothing for freight mobility, congestion or safety.

Hoff is illustrative of the obvious: why vote for a fake democrat when you can vote for the real thing?

It seems that 1400 voters in the 18th District arrived at that same conclusion.

Who is YOUR Republican write-in candidate going to be?

1 comment:

  1. It's doubtless too much to ask, but you'd think Hoff might have done a little research on the issues surrounding the I-5 bridge and the needs of the community.

    First, the I-5 bridge is counted as "functionally obsolete" ... that is NOT structurally deficient. The factor that makes it "functionally obsolete" is that it lacks shoulders for stalled/troubled vehicles to pull out of the traffic lanes. In California, the Richmond-San Rafael bridge (across San Francisco Bay) was also functionally obsolete (opened for service as a new bridge in 1958) with 3 lanes in each direction in a double-deck design. The "functionally obsolete" designation was remedied by re-striping the lanes so there are now two lanes in each direction and generous shoulders on each side of the lanes. (Of course this cuts the throughput of the bridge.) Obviously, the same "solution" could be applied to the Interstate bridge to "solve" the functionally obsolete designation. However, it would be very difficult to justify that "solution" in view of the number of vehicles using the bridge.

    Second, Mr. Hoff should take a look at the transportation plans from 1979 "Clark County West Side Transportation Corridor" and the 1990 "PDX-Vancouver Plan" -- I found these online with a couple of google searches. Essentially, the "west side" plan is most relevant, as it would add a THIRD bridge with connecting "expressways" or "freeways" to the west of I-5 in Washington, and likewise have a freeway well to the west of the most built up portion of Portland on the Oregon side. Obviously, these plans would have been easier to implement if the plans hadn't been shelved for the past 30-40 years so that land for the feeder highway construction could have been reserved, but with modification (looking at satellite views) it appears that suitable routing could still be managed with minimal to modest disruption to existing development.

    Critics of such a third bridge claim that "it will only reduce traffic on the Interstate bridge by 25%".... well that's a rather substantial reduction in traffic, which would further help traffic on the approaches, especially on the Portland side, where no significant freeway improvement has been built for at least 30 years (while they wasted billions building the Max trains and trolley cars that don't carry near the volume it is supposed to).

    But Mr. Hoff does not want to bother to learn anything, apparently he expected to "walk in" to a "Republican" seat and just sit there and enjoy wallowing in the public trough. It's probably better to have a democrat that would be easier to unseat at the next election, when, hopefully we'll have a better candidate. As for Mr. Hoff, he's lucky that I don't live in his district.

    I'll probably be taking Ms. Herrera-Buetler's "advice" and writing in "Paul Ryan" for my Republican choices.


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