Friday, October 12, 2018

Here's what good the democratian endorsements do.

I've been involved in politics locally since 1988.  It's been all Republican.  I've been a campaign volunteer, a campaign consultant, a PCO, a district chair, Executive Director of the State GOP and a GOP water carrier who has phone-banked, door-belled, sign-waved and planted thousands of GOP candidate signs.

Along the way, you begin to notice a few things.

And one thing you could always count on is the Daily Democrat picking those who would damage our county and community the most for elective office.

But most reading that observation already knew that.

So, what good is the embarrassment to journalism's endorsements?

First, let's take a look at the criteria I suggest be used to filter candidates and incumbents.
    1.  Did they lie to get elected in the past?
    2.  Have they lied since they were elected?
    3.  Did they vote to jack up our taxes and/or fees?
    4.  Do they ignore your emails/letters or other communications?
    5.  Do they vote like the special interests own them?
    6.  Specifically, did they vote in support of the CRC/Loot Rail resurrection?
    7.  Do they support Obamacare and vote against its repeal?
    8.  Do they support an income tax?
    9.  Do they support gun grabbing?
    10.  Do they support open borders, illegal aliens voting, and attack the President for doing the same things Obama did during HIS regime?
    11.  Do they use a big-mouthed spouse out there as a surrogate to attack conservatives?
    12.  Are they arrogant?
    13.  Are they narcissistic?
    14.  Did they vote for that horrific budget in 2017 from the GOP that caused our property taxes to explode and emboldened the teachers to go on strike?
Any one of these reasons or combination of reasons?  Then don't vote for them.

    1.  Do they support an income tax?
    2.  Do they support gun grabbing?
    3.  Do they lie?
    4.  Do they mouth talking points based on hatred?
    5.  Do they sound like they're more suited to be representing the U District in Seattle than any part of Clark County?
    6.  Are they endorsed by anyone guilty of any of the reasons listed under "incumbent" above?
    7.  Do they support Obamacare?
    8.  Do they ignore your emails/letters or other communications?
    9.  Do they support open borders, illegal aliens voting, and attack the President for doing the same things Obama did during HIS regime?
    10.  Are they arrogant?
    11.  Are they narcissistic?
    12.  Did they support that horrific budget in 2017 from the GOP that caused our property taxes to explode and emboldened the teachers to go on strike?

Any one of these reasons or combination of reasons?  Then don't vote for them.

You, of course, can add or subtract anything you like to you list.  But the lists I've provided here are worthless IF YOU DON'T DO THE WORK.
Second, take a look at the Daily Pravda's endorsements.

The rag has their agenda.  Their agenda is destructive, leftist, downtown-special-interest garbage.

Those this scum publication has endorsed in the lawmaking arena have one essential quality in common:

They support the Columbian's CRC/Loot Rail scam.

Every, single, one.

Now, I get that the Lazy C has long-since abandoned any pretense of journalism.  Like the RINO's running the local GOP, they, too, hate conservatives who actually represent the will of the people who elected them and when the shouting is done, you can expect they will have endorsed precisely zero.

I won't be surprised when they endorse RINO Hoff's opponent, Kathy Gillespie, for example because, since they're essentially political twins, Gillespie takes a GOP lock seat away and has the extra-added attraction of being one other part of the Democratian's criteria: a democrat.  Typically, their pattern is to always endorse democrats in open seats.

There's no supportable reason to do that, of course, so the rag just makes a few up.

Democratian endorsements bring many of the key issues to the fore.  Generally, those they endorse shouldn't be allowed to run an elevator, but the reality is the endorsements themselves, in many instances are humorously agenda-driven/leftist partisan/anti-conservative pap.  But they do contain specifics that answer at least some policy questions... many of which are simply ignored by candidates issue pages.  Right, Larry?

To date, the endorsements of the rag have pointed out where candidates and incumbents have taken policy stands that are harmful to SW Washington generally and Clark County particularly.

Positions such as resurrecting the CRC/Loot Rail scam while ignoring the true need of additional bridges across the river.  The cross-river transportation issue is THE biggest economic problem facing us here locally and instead of addressing that problem, we're cursed with a great many politicians who have (and are) sold us out and are selling us out.  After all, what's a few billion dollars in ever-increasing tolls to replace a paid for, perfectly functional bridge that will do nothing in terms of freight mobility, congestion relief or safety?

Those who will sell us out for that... will "Rivers" us on anything.  You know... if it's a "business decision."

So, if you can stomach it, check out the endorsements of Völkischer Beobachter of Clark County.

But by now, Dear Reader, I'm sure you have done... or at a minimum, are now doing... your due diligence and know the particulars of these candidates as ballot drop is but a few short days away.

These elected officials can do THE PEOPLE a lot of good.  But their focus has to be on US and not the pervasive special interests who own their votes.

Their positions are out there.  The policies they WANT us to know about are out there.  The policies they DON'T want us to know about?  Not so much.

The broken pledges that will cost us hundreds of millions of dollars here locally?  Well, they don't talk about that sort of thing.

Who voted for the GOP budget that raped our checkbooks on property taxes to appease the WEA?  I must have missed that.

The lies about tax increases and policy votes that will betray us?  Well, it sure doesn't look like any of those endorsements talk about THAT.

All elections are important as are the votes by those INFORMED on what they're voting for.

If you don't know? Then do us all a favorite and skip it.

Meanwhile, I will be voting ALL Republican, including in those races where I disagree with the candidate's positions or, as in so many cases, they are far too closely aligned with the democrat positions that have, and are, causing us so much harm.

That, of course, is what the write-in function on your ballot is for.

So, by all means, as a part of your self-education... which all responsible voters SHOULD engage in... check out the democratian endorsements.  Look for what's there... but also look for what isn't.

Seek the truth and the truth shall set you free.


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