Thursday, October 04, 2018

The Gellatly Revenge Tour: His effort to keep me from being seated as a PCO continues.

As time goes on, more and more information comes my way of the Gellatly Cult's Revenge Tour, the effort underway by Druggy Davey Gellatly to keep me from being seated as a Precinct Committee Officer, even though I was lawfully elected.

The gist of this effort is to make sure that I cannot vote with the rest of the PCO's, effectively depriving my precinct any kind of voice in GOP affairs here in Clark County.  It is to make sure I cannot impact the GOP elections to help end the continued RINO ruin that Gellatly's horrific tenure has caused.

Now Davey, being Davey, nor anyone else involved in this lynching has ever once discussed any of this with me, you understand; but then that's the typical level of cowardice when it comes to their attacks on individuals who oppose their continued presence in any position within the GOP and who have strongly opposed Gellatly's efforts to destroy a PCO for allegedly engaging in the very same variety of activity that Druggy is known for.

The problem for the Gellatly Cult is there is no mechanism for Gellatly and his crew to keep me from being seated.

That's not the only problem, of course.

Well, here.  Let me set the table:

This is from the draft minutes of the last Executive Board meeting:
Chairman [Gellatly] brought the topic of [a] Membership Code of Conduct. Being a PCO does not automatically make one a voting member [well, yeah... it actually kinda does] or allow easy access to the CCRCC.  Other counties and the State Party have some language in their bylaws to prevent Democrats or other people who are not really Republicans from becoming voting members even if they are PCO's.  He [Gellatly] is proposing a bylaw change that some PCO's who have demonstrated they seldom support Republicans would need to be vetted / checked out before they would be credentialed for CCRCC meetings.  He and Leslie [Meharry] specifically pointed out this would apply to KJ Hinton.  Leslie mentioned that on multiple occasions Hinton has said he votes for democrats in his blog.  David said he would check with other counties to see what language they use in their bylaws.
Now, this discussion DID take place last EBoard meeting, but Druggy had a cow making sure that these notes were NOT officially included in the minutes.

Why?  What is Davey Delete so ashamed of?  He actually said these things.  There's no denial of that.  So why not include it in the records?

Here's the problem: were such a rule put into place, that is, PCO's would somehow be unseated for something they did before such a rule even existed, the Republican PCO ranks of Clark County would be decimated.

Even now, for example, they would have to keep Peter Van Nortwick from being a PCO based on his endorsement and presumed vote for democrat Alicia Topper, candidate for county treasurer in THIS election.

Marc Boldt, who had repeatedly endorsed democrat Steve Stuart and who then held this precinct seat while doing absolutely nothing with it for 4 years?  He'd never have been allowed in the first place.

Carolyn Crain?  Ann Donnelly?  Brent Boger?  Margie Ferris?  And all of the others who supported democrats like Boldt and opposed Republicans like Eileen Quiring in THIS election?


I mean, certainly the criteria cannot be merely voting for a democrat or democrats.

THIS election, for example, I have publicly stated I will vote for nothing BUT Republicans.  I will be exercising my right to write-in candidates where I disagree with the candidates on the ballot, but every single person I write in will be a Republican.

For Leslie's edification, I've also written THAT in my blog.

The devil in all of this is in the details, of course.  But that Gellatly brought this up and is trying to push it through?

Is there any other basis for any of this except the fact that I have exposed Gellatly for what he really is?  An arrogant narcissist bent on the destruction of the local GOP?

Is he upset that I exposed his illegal drug use while he was Chair?

Arrest Information:

Name: David Robert Gellatly
Location: PortlandOregon 
Age: 29 years
Processing Date: 03-01-2012

Booking Charge:


Maybe he's pissed because I brought up his multiple DUI's.

Or could it be his multiple citations for Theft in the 3rd degree?

How about his numerous bench warrants?

This is nothing but another in a series of efforts to silence those opposed to him and his clique.

Because you can bet like, all of the others named, if I SUPPORTED his reign of destruction, we wouldn't be hearing anything about this.

And that this discussion proves beyond any doubt that this effort is aimed ENTIRELY at me?

Well, that speaks for itself.

Doesn't it?

As for me, I was Republican when this clown was a 1st grader.

My very first campaign was in 88 as a volunteer for Bob Williams.  Then Linda Smith.  Then Don Benton.  Then Tom Mielkie.  Then candidate after candidate... and all of them Republican.

And as for getting someone "vetted / checked out" if they're a PCO Gellatly doesn't happen to like, I'm pretty sure he's already done that with me.  But that said, there's a certain level of irony when a thug like Gellatly demands that anyone ELSE be vetted.  After all, imagine where we'd be right now if Gellatly himself had been vetted.  Does anyone reading this believe for one second that he ever would have been party chair if his background had been actually known?

I appreciate the fact that Gellatly and his cronies spend so much time worrying about me.  The problem is that their primary function at the eBoard isn't to waste more money on their idiotic "Be Bold" signs that accomplish nothing while they withhold any funds from campaigns (not that they've got all that much available) while Gellatly makes up crap about how effective they are.

Meanwhile, they remained silent on the issues that should be discussed back when it would make a difference.  Saying nothing about the teacher strikes, for example. They've been far more concerned with attacking conservatives than they have been fighting democrats.

This is yet another snapshot as to how these people think.  They live to silence those who oppose them.  There is no justification for this action and you can bet that whatever standard they apply to me won't be applied to anyone else.

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