Thursday, September 06, 2018

RINOs on the King County Council bend over the taxpayers for the Mariners.

A microcosm of the RINO issue, the King County Council just tossed $135 million at the Mariners as they blackmailed King County in order to kiss their ass with taxpayer dollars to stay put.

Democrats Joe McDermott and Claudia Balducci and the only "Republicans" on the King County Council, Reagan Dunn, Kathy Lambert and Pete von Reichbauer voted to cough up $135 million they just happened to have laying around to keep a professional baseball team in the taxpayer-hosed stadium because they'll leave if they don't get their 30 pieces of silver.

They also voted the same way to keep the issue off the February ballot.

After all, we can't have the people actually paying the bills have any say in these ripoffs.

God Help US, what are we going to do if the people say "no?"

You see, this is another symptom of the RINO disease.  It's infected the GOP everywhere... an insatiable desire to outdemocrat the democrats.

Here, it's an example of what happens when the taxpayers get screwed into building a sports facility for a professional team or teams.  The teams in question ALWAYS know they can get more... and more.... and MORE money from the taxpayers merely by threatening to leave.

It's not unlike our local teacher extortion.  All they have to do is go on strike and there's no end to the money we'll waste to buy them off... and for what?

We see evidence of it here... fake Republicans resurrecting the hated and unaffordable CRC/Loot Rail scam that we had all worked so hard to end... wasting tens of millions of dollars to satisfy the downtown mafia and ignoring the will of the people they lied to in order to gain power.

Fake Republicans ramming the largest gas tax and tab fee increases in our state's history down our throats?  The unfathomable budget that caved to an out of control supreme court that had no right or ability to order the Legislature to screw us for the benefit of the scum we call teachers, to pay for their extortion?

Is it any wonder the left has been clobbering us in elections lately?  What the hell is the difference between them?

Do you remember when being a Republican actually meant something?  Smaller, more efficient government?  Lower taxes? 

I do.  But now, they wouldn't be caught dead living up to the brand.

So, how does the GOP respond when we stay home?  When we laugh in their face over "lower taxes." 

How many elections that should have been won easily will be lost because of GOP incompetence and this variety of stupidity?

Do these idiots think it all happens in a vacuum?  That we don't notice or pay attention?

We do.  And that's why I'll be writing in a Republican instead of voting in a RINO who makes us ashamed of the Republican brand.

That's why I'll be following Jaime Herrera Beutler's example by writing in Paul Ryan for her seat... like she did when she trashed President Trump.

Insanity has been defined by doing the same thing, over and over, while expecting a different outcome.

I'm through with that.  Each of you reading this must make their own decision, but let's remember: we have the government we deserve.

Let's deserve better.

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