Friday, August 10, 2018

How isn't tomorrow's GOP meeting a violation of ethics and a conflict of interest?

Rumor has it that at least part of the local RINO clique, RINO Julie Olson is a principal at the restaurant where the local GOP PCO is meeting to, among other things, endorse candidates for the upcoming general election.

The meeting is supposed to be held at a local golf course, the Cedars at Salmon Creek in Brush Prairie.

What I'd like to know is how is this even legal?

Not in the criminal sense.  But in the party sense... in the common sense, sense.

First, no candidate, elected or otherwise, should be personally, financially benefiting from any GOP function.

Second, Olson is in a race where she or her opponent, Elizabeth Veneman, will likely be endorsed by those present.

Does anyone believe, for one minute, that this meeting at this time isn't a deliberate effort by the Gellatly Cult to make sure RINO Julie Olson is the one endorsed?

It's THIS kind of lowlife scummy politics that is sickening.

There's no excuse for this. I, of course, will be going so I can report on what is said and done there.

But this is just a just another symptom of the Gellatly RINO cancer infesting the local GOP and yet another reason why those trying to destroy the GOP... as many of the election results prove... need to be removed as soon as possible.

There's no excuse or explanation for failing to hold this meeting at an absolutely neutral site.  And everyone involved knows it.

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