Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Uh oh... Looks like the Hoff Brain Trust thinks he's in trouble. Why am I not surprised?

So, I got a rather interesting and not cheap mailer today.  Oddly enough, it was addressed to me...  since there is no possible way I vote for this pathetic creature, that must be a mistake.

The front (address) page shows Hoff and Vick "meeting with constituents."

Well, here's a bulletin, Larry.  You ain't been elected to squit, so you don't HAVE any "constituents."

And using Vick as campaign prop just simply doesn't impress me... and it's certainly no reason to vote for you.  Also of note was the absence of Sen. Ann "Gas Tax-Property Tax" Rivers.  Wonder why she blew ol' Larry off... or is it that she's in so much political trouble that he doesn't want to be seen with her?

The back page shows a family picture (which isn't a reason to vote for you, either.)

On the inside, he babbles about a made up number of people he claims he's "spoken to."

He ignores me, one of his pseudo-constituents.

Well, there are a great many reasons I won't vote for this clown to represent me, not the least of which is he refuses to answer my questions.

So, on the inside of this comedy piece, he says nothing about what he, personally will do, mainly because he's too much of a coward to be held accountable for his actions in the unfortunate event he IS elected, and then, he says if you have any questions, to just call him.

That's bullshit, of course.  I had made several attempts to question this slimeball on his campaign facebook page and he ignored them all at first and then just deleted them.

The questions included:

1.  Would you have joined with Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers in screwing us on the massive gas tax and tab fee increases she had pledged to oppose?

2.  Would you have voted "yes" on her property massive tax increase that caused our bills to explode so she could pay off the WEA after she was hired by a DEMOCRAT campaign firm WHILE she was "negotiating" our wallet's rape?

3.  Would you have voted to make drivers licenses cheaper for illegal aliens than for citizens?

4.  Would you have voted to provide student aid to illegal aliens in our universities?

5.  Would you blame the county assessor for YOUR massive property tax increases?

6.  Are you going to join with the rest of the RINO crew and attempt to ram the CRC down our throats?

7.  Are you going to ever vote to increase our taxes or fees?

8.  Are you going to join with Rivers and continue to make this state a destination resort for illegal aliens?

See, Hoff likes to answer SOME questions, particularly the ones that allow him to generalize and ignore specific issues.

But when it comes to what he WILL do... or what he'll REFUSE to do as a representative?


Any idiot can play that game.

But why on earth would I EVER vote for a hand-picked RINO to represent me as Gas Tax Rivers puppet?

Why, I don't know.  In fact, only shoulder surgery kept me from running against this clown.

Hopefully, the GOP around here won't endorse him.

Maybe the democrats will.


  1. I had coffee with Larry for about 2 hours in Salmon Creek. This because I had asked why he wasn't answering questions and explaining stances. We had a good talk. He's a nice man. My takeaway is that he's being advised (by I don't know who) NOT to provide details about his stances. Rather, to be broad and not specific because being specific could cause someone to go negative. I have no idea whether he would be himself because I don't know, from his campaign statements and website who he really is and how he would vote. I think he wants to be more forthcoming but is bowing to those who counsel generalist comments.

    Dick Rylander

  2. And that plays directly into what I wrote here.

    It has zero to do with "going negative." How can telling your prospective constituents what you intend to do and how you intend to do result in any negative consequence?

    This district, the 18th, is arguably one of the most conservative districts in this state. For a Republican to be AFRAID of giving his positions on the issue has nothing to do with his opponent going negative.

    Is this guy pro-life? I wouldn't know. I can't seem to find that anywhere.

    Does he oppose tax and fee increases... or even another income tax like the one the GOP Senate slid into place to pay for their idiotic paid family leave crap?

    Who knows?

    Liz Pike survived negativity for 3 terms. He should have the guts to tell us not only who he is, but precisely WHAT he intends to do or refuse to do, and HOW he intends to do it.

    I think you were lied to.

    I think the strategy is to stick to generalities to allow him, effectively, to do any damned thing he pleases that Rivers orders him to do.

    Raise taxes and fees? No problem. His response when he does it?

    "Well, I never said I wouldn't."

    Unlike, for example, Rivers lying about her gas tax and tab fee position.


    Whatever "advice" he's getting is not only bad, it's terrible, and it amounts to political cowardice. His failure to take and defend positions does not equate to reasons to vote FOR him, but it DOES equate to reasons to oppose him.

    He's the political equivalent of a cigar store Indian who just stands there like he's made out of wood, proving the axiom that if you don't stand for SOMETHING, you will fall for ANYTHING.

    He's Rivers' puppet. That's why he is doing ABSOLUTELY what she did in the 16 election. And look what we have to show for it.

    ALL politicians should stake out their positions and vigorously defend them. And if this clown fears a little negativity, then guess what?

    He is DEFINITELY in the wrong line of work.


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