Monday, July 02, 2018

Think the tariffs/trade war is wrong?

OK, I watch FOXBusiness.  Every hour on the hour, they've got talking heads on there; screaming like cut cats about the President's threats concerning tariffs.

What I have YET to hear any of the naysayers explain is how THEY would address the massive trade deficit.

Look... here's the thing:  Over the past several years, we just became comfortable with getting screwed by friends and enemies alike.

Tariffs on our cars in other countries?  Tariffs on steel.  Tariffs on MILK... all in other countries?

Like, we should just sit back and pay that extortion?

No.  The concept of free trade/fair trade demands a level playing field.

The use of tariffs... or even a trade war per se', will, I believe, ultimately provide that.

German automakers are already calling for an end to tariffs on American cars. 

Would they be doing that if the President wasn't fighting this out?

Who knew that our "ally," Canada was screwing us so badly on tariffs?  A paltry 270% on dairy goods?

Canada denies this, of course, after a fashion... but it sure looks like it to me.

Why is that fair?

Last year, the New York Times reported:
BEIJING — A Jeep Wrangler can cost $30,000 more in China than in the United States — and the reasons illustrate a growing point of tension between the two countries.

Manufactured in Toledo, Ohio, the Wrangler is a descendant of the jeeps that were used by American forces in World War II. Equipped with a 3.6-liter engine and a five-speed automatic transmission, the Rubicon edition of the Wrangler has a suggested retail price of $40,530 in the United States.

But in China, the same vehicle would set a buyer back by a hefty $71,000, mostly because of taxes that Beijing charges on every car, minivan and sport utility vehicle that is made in another country and brought to China’s shores.
Why is that OK?

It's not.  Other presidents have moaned and complained about it... but who has actually DONE anything about it?

Meanwhile, since 1950, the trade deficit has been a paltry $14.235 TRILLION.

How is that a great idea for us?

Where is that money going?  The Chinese military?

So, here it is: any idiot can complain.  Anyone can point out problems.

Where are the solutions?  This is a HUGE problem... and other presidents have treated it like the "third trail of politics" and they've done little to nothing about it.

Stop whining.  Suck it up.  Recognize that this situation is TEMPORARY and these guys will slowly but surely cave since the reality is clear: free trade MUST equal FAIR trade.

And if there's another way to get there, I'd love to see it.

So, I'm more than willing to listen to ideas to address the problem... and I have yet to hear any.

Wow me with your brilliance, dear reader.  I'd love to learn.

1 comment:

  1. I am in complete agreement! Asking them nicely hasn't gotten us anywhere. This has gone on long enough, and getting tough is really the only option left. The status quo has to change, and we voted for change and given a chance, Trump will get us that change.


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