Friday, July 27, 2018

The pathetic lies of the RINO former Clark County Chair's PCO letter.

Those aware of the county political scene are obviously aware of the pathetic RINO effort to elect non-Republican and Young Democrat endorsed county chair Marc Boldt (Who they will no doubt vote for again, even though a Republican, Eileen Quiring, is on the ballot) are now attempting to lie for their RINO PCO puppets because they are terrified of the conservative resurgence that will be upcoming at the reorganization this December.

Here is the unsigned letter in question, sent out in opposition to each PCO or PCO candidate who does not kiss their collective ass.

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It has more than one lie in it to be sure.  Because few are better at lying than RINOs attempting to justify their betrayal of GOP principles.

In this case, the obvious lie is this:

"We advocate conducting our party’s grass-roots activities in a respectful, collegial, and professional manner, without personal attacks or undue dissention."

That these same people could, with a straight face, include that obvious lie in a letter designed to interfere in the decisions of individual precincts that they fear is the thing.

The fact is these same liars support the continued tenure of a criminal druggie who is anything BUT respectful.

He is anything BUT collegial.

He is not even close to professional.

He is the MASTER of the personal attack and sowing dissention.  His personal attacks and threats and insults are easily documented

David Gellatly is everything these same idiots claim we can't have in the party.

An admitted hard drug user with a criminal record and multiple DUI's, that these same people could now demand that everyone else BUT Gellatly must live up to their standard is the sickening variety of vomitus the local RINOs are known for.

Rank political hypocrites with a double standard aimed exclusively at anyone to the right of Lenin.

Simply put, these people hate conservatives and refuse to support them.

NONE of them have endorsed Eileen Quiring, the only Republican running for county chair.

Now, why do you suppose that is?

Three of them, according to Boldt's campaign website (Boger, Donnelly and Ferris) are continuing to endorse non-Republican Marc Boldt.

The RINO point of contact on the RINO Chair letter, Carolyn Crain (The return address on the letter is hers) also has endorsed him.

These same people will demand that we support their RINO candidates of choice, because that's how these hypocrites roll.

So, a letter of lies signed by liars.  Not an ounce of integrity between them.

Memo to the RINO former chairs:

You'll never lie your way into respectability.  And with yet another betrayal of the local Republican Party, you've lost what little remaining "respectability" you ever had.

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