Thursday, July 12, 2018

Memo to the local GOP: there's an election coming up. When are those incompetent idiots going to do something?

The primary is right around the corner, and save for wasting money on those moronic, inexplicably stupid signs ("Be Bold?"  What idiot thought that waste of verbiage up?) what has the local GOP actually DONE?

Well, they made next to nothing on a couple of not-great Lincoln Day Dinners.

They've spent a great deal of time marginalizing the conservative base by allowing a burnt out druggie to continue as the Party Chair while he actually SUES a PCO.

They've done a piss-poor job of raising money.

They've tried to get GOP activists and PCO-elects arrested, including a candidate for 17th LD chair.

They've failed to hold any of the tax and spend RINOs accountable for their miserable performances as elected officials.

They failed to provide candidates in the 49th for either House seat and for county treasurer.

But what they HAVEN'T done is provided any reason, whatsoever, to get anyone to vote GOP.

You see, their lack of accountability of RINOs like Wilson and Rivers, who are responsible for raising our taxes by the BILLIONS have completely killed off any way to pitch that "smaller, less expensive. more efficient government" meme that's been the bedrock of GOP politics for generations.

Why vote GOP, for example, when it was the GOP who made our property taxes explode?

For nothing?

SO, the lower taxes meme is DOA... you can't go there.

It was the GOP that allowed in-state tuition and student aid for illegal aliens, not to mention the cheaper drivers licenses for illegals.

Locally, each county council incumbent (Fake Republican Boldt, Olson, Stuart) voted to increase every tax and fee they possibly could.  They put the hated fees back on the parks we've already paid for a dozen times. Why should they be reelected when they voted the same as their democrat opponents would have, had they been elected?  What's the point?

Our property tax statements, which Wilson and Rivers GUARANTEED would be lower, have blown up like confetti; also reflect the efforts of the county council.

So... what is the local GOP actually DOING?

About what you'd expect when those running it are more interested in trashing conservatives than they are defeating democrats.... or protecting incompetent, incapable leadership who has cost the party thousands of dollars and volunteer hours.

"Be Bold" indeed.

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