Sunday, July 15, 2018

In My View: MORE Tolling Hypocrisy From the Democratian.

Sheer, unadulterated, hypocrisy.

The rag is bitching like a cut cat over Oregon doing to us the exact, same, thing the democratian wanted to do to us.

Toll us.

Except when OREGON wants to do it... and ignore us in the process... the same way the DEMOCRATIAN wanted to do it... and ignore us in the process... it's a "Slap in Face."

For over a decade, this very same sniveling puddle of goo attacked anyone who even remotely opposed their I-5 Bridge scam or even the horrifically expensive loot rail scam it was being built for.

And now... now... Oregon is treating us the EXACT same way these same low-lifes treated the people of this very community when we rose up to stop their insanity... and guess what?

The rag doesn't like it one bit.

Local politicians in this election year are having a collective cow.  The campaign piece masquerading as an editorial for Herrera The Loser took an opportunity to point out that Herrera, who is the least effective member of Congress currently IN office, "has been an outspoken critic of the plan..."

But like everything else of real importance, the clueless moron representing us in the GOP-Controlled Congress with a GOP president can't seem to do anything about it.


Because when it matters, she's as politically useful as a brass door knocker.

The democratian whines that the other set of three stooges (outside the four stooges of our county council) "need to get involved."

God, but the clowns at the local Pravda are gullible.

They seem to think that Inslee, Cantwell or Murray actually give a damn about anything or anyone outside the Puget Sound region, which is all they need to win to get reelected.

How anyone believing that can actually have a job at a newspaper is beyond me.

Of COURSE Oregon wants to rape the wallets of the people of Southwest Washington.  They already molest our wallets the same way Harvey Weinberg played "casting couch" but generally, Harvey's talent got more out of it than we do.

So, what are these people in Oregon government doing?

The same, exact, thing... the PRECISE exact thing... that local members of the downtown mafia and their toadies in government around here did their very best to do to US... and if Sen. Ann Rivers and other area RINOs get their way, WOULD do to us... and Oregon is doing it the EXACT... SAME... WAY.

But all these people with titles... Congresswoman... State Senator... Representative... Editor...

Have come to find out in an up-close and personal way what it feels like to be ignored, to be belittled, to be insulted, to be castigated and marginalized.

And guess what?  They don't like it one bit when the screw turns.

It wasn't that long ago that we've all forgotten... What Oregon is doing to us is PRECISELY what many of these same people, including this cancer on our community known as a newspaper, ALSO did to us.

Marc Boldt lied to my face when he personally promised me at least an advisory vote on the scam he so whole-heartedly supported, and then he continued to lie to me over the issue of whether such a vote was legal under our state's constitution.

Well, if Boldt opposes Oregon tolls, I damned sure haven't seen it.  Have you?

So, yeah: watching the downtown mafia squirm... watching the people who would cheerfully screw us sideways on tolls for what THEY want... bitch like cut cats because Oregon is now ignoring them the same way they ignored us?

It's a hoot.

And unlike the CRC rip off that many of these same people support(ed) there's not even a pretense by Oregon of acting as if anything we have to say matters.

Back in the day, even after it was discovered by ace forensic accountant Tiffany Couch that the people were being ignored in the CRC Scam as a matter of POLICY, this same fungus of fake news wanted us to forget about it and support this rip off anyway.

And now, the incompetent local GOP, which should be all over this like white on rice as a built-in campaign issue to "Be Bold" (good God, what a horrifically lame theme) with, are keeping their drug-addled mouth shut; as are most members of the county council, most area city councils and most members of the SW Washington Legislative delegation.

Oregon isn't stupid.  They see that the reality of the democratian's whining aside, they know what I know: that the people who ARE screaming the loudest are only doing so because tolls in Oregon will kill any chance of an I-5 Bridge replacement... which Oregon never cared about in the first place.

The difference is, however, that I come right out and say it while those shilling for the unneeded, unwanted and unaffordable bridge scam... Oregon tolls notwithstanding... are desperate to keep any connection between the two from seeing the light of day.

The silence of these governmental bodies in our community is palpable. The rag expresses outrage, but few others do... and that's what Oregon sees... not that it would particularly matter if these people DID say anything.  After all, it didn't matter to these same bodies when the people they would govern expressed outrage, did it?

And I at least give them that.  The people of Clark County do NOT want an I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail waste that will yoke us to additional massive debt already implemented by Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers and our own elected uniformly ignore us... and, so, what is local government doing about that?

Their very best to ram one down our throats regardless.

With the silence of our local governmental bodies, Oregon has good reason to ignore the downtown mafia types because as I have been pointing out for months, we have zero leverage and our worthless congresswoman can't seem to do anything to stop this wallet rape and our local governmental entities don't seem particularly interested in it.

The pathetic editorials the rag writes in their lame efforts to suddenly do NOW what they refused to do for a decade... namely, get on the side of the people... are, if they're noticed at all... going to be read by few and impact even less.

They know it.  I know it.  The people know it.  And the worthless rag's cry that "Washington representatives would be wise to voice their opposition now rather than wait in hope that Oregon officials will act in a neighborly fashion" oddly garnered a somewhat different response from this same community zit when that very thing happened on the CRC Scam, didn't it?

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