Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Impressions of the 17th District elections last night.

Readers are likely aware that in reaching unheard levels of inanity and arrogance, the Chair of the Clark County Republican Party reached new heights of stupid yesterday when he sent an email to a candidate for 17th District Chair, Kalup Veneman, telling him that he could not make a speech to the 17th District PCO's because he was one of six individuals who, according to the chair, "got trespassed" by the Executive Board during executive session.

No, they in fact can't do that.

But even if they did/could, that drug-addled idiot knew he had the votes for his establishment lackey... so what was he proving by putting his idiocy in writing?

Anyway, I've been long-rumored to be on this mysterious list of those "trespassed" by the executive board... but I walked in and took a seat in a far corner of the room where I could see everything from the front door to the front of the room.

The PCO's came in, signed in... Wilson and Olson even crawled out from under their respective rocks as PCO's to show up... and someone on this mystery list made an effort to come in it appeared; Gellatly went out to talk to them... and told Karen he had "arrived at a compromise: That Kalup could come in and give his speech and then he had to leave." (and how moronic was that?) In the meantime it appeared that serious effort was made to get members of the so-called list who happened to be there ARRESTED.

Karen pointed out that the executive board could not take a vote in executive session, meaning that such a vote was illegal and no such action could be taken.  Meanwhile, Gellatly had (or told someone to) called the Sheriffs, doubling down on his stupidity.

Oddly, this is another issue.  Presuming the Executive Board COULD do what Gellatly claims... and DID do what he claimed... then who the hell is he to ignore/modify the actions of the board on his own?

Why even bother to have a board if the Chair can just blow it off?  Just askin'.

The meeting started, and some idiot got up and stomped to the door to tell the SHERIFF'S DEPUTY THAT HE WAS MAKING TOO MUCH NOISE.

So, Gellatly had called the CCSO... he was doing is job, ASKED to come here by the organization and this idiot claims they were making too much noise?

The Deputy came in soon after, stopped the meeting and explained that very thing.

Meanwhile, a motion was passed to remove all people not 17th District PCO's from the room.

In hindsight, that was a public meeting at a posted public facility and likely, as such, a motion out of order.

Executive Boards can't kick out the public except in executive session and they can't take action (vote) while IN executive session.

And the same rule applies to the 17th legislative district... does it not?

I kept my mouth shut.  I wasn't there to throw grenades.  When the motion passed, I knew that Kalup had no chance.  Davey should have known it as well, but hey, that requires a level of sobriety that may be beyond him.

So, I got up and walked out JUST in time to hear the Deputy tell Gellatly what I had been saying all along: that he was not going to do anything, that no one was being disruptive and that Davey himself had to handle it.

Go figure.

So now, Davey thinks he's going to have those on the list "served."  Well, as I said, I've never seen anything like that to begin with, but I look forward to him trying it... if he will.

Kalup was inside while all of this was happening since, in reality, Davey had no authority to keep him out.  Kalup gave his speech (I presume, I was outside so I didn't hear it) Barnes gave his and Barnes, of course, won.

As this soiree' ended, however, I did get a glimpse of what that moron thinks of those wise enough to oppose his continued tenure:

Davey was talking to someone out on the sidewalk, deliberately in my ear shot:

He said something like "Something like this brings out the crazies" to which I said, "well, it brought you out, didn't it?'

So, there you have it.  A great deal of sturm und drang over nothing when it came to that idiotic email Insane Clown sent out.  Gellatly cemented his position as the most asinine GOP Chair of this county that has ever lived... and with his actions, when the power changes at reorganization, those impacted by this clown will remember all of this.

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