Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Did you know I was paid BIG money to drop the hammer on Gellatly?

One of the biggest problems with RINOs like Carolyn Crain is that if they can't come up with a reason for something... they just make one up.

And I get it... I really do.

Whenever they fail to have an explanation for something that hurts their position.... why, they just whip one out that is designed to kill the messenger.

It wasn't so far back that Jimmy Mains, who got destroyed running my insipid brother-in-law's campaign against David Madore back in 2012, had to come up with an explanation as to why I was beating on Marc like a rented mule.

The real reason... that I knew he would be (and has been) a complete and utter disaster one the commission/council, simply wouldn't do.  So what did that lying son of a bitch tell everyone?

That it was because David Madore was paying me.

The idea that terrible, horrific governance of the kind Boldt had/has engaged in since he was first elected a county commissioner is somehow off-limits for commentary to a family member out of principle is simply beyond those incapable of understanding integrity.

I loathe the government of liars and the corrupt.  I m going to speak out against it no matter where I find it.  Unlike leftists and RINOs, I'm not going to engage in their favorite past time of double standards and hypocrisy.

That Madore never paid me for anything?  Why let the truth get in the way of a RINO meme?

This brings us to Slimeball Carolyn Crain's idiocy.

Crain has emulated Mains by telling the world that the reason I smack Gellatly around is because I am being PAID to do it and Pike is the one who signed the checks.

Well, here's a bulletin: I bang on Gellatly because he's a thug.  He has threatened me and my family.  I am going to make it my mission to end that clown politically.

NOTHING I've written about Gellatly is either because of, or at the behest of, anything anyone has paid me.

The irony of all of this is what I've written about that punk is all true.

When I claim he's a druggie, it's because he is.  He has admitted as much, and he's admitted that it took place during his tenure as chair of the Clark County GOP.

When I claim he's used coke, meth and methadone, that's based on evidence provided a court.

The fact is that Gellatly has already shown a proclivity to sue those people he doesn't like... yet he doesn't seem to be suing me.

Odd, that.

Meanwhile, while Crain is out there flapping her pie hole about the alleged payments for breaking Gellatly in half, I've got to ask her:

When GELLATLY HIMSELF was providing me information so I could beat on Crain like a drum over her support of my dim-bulb democrat brother-in-law, who was paying me to publish it?  If, as that cow suggests, I got PAID to beat on people like her, I'd be a millionaire by now.

No one pays me to write my meager effort here.  No one ever has.  No one ever will.

No matter how many times that lying hypocrite of a pig claims otherwise.

I really can't make it any clearer than that.

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