Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Brian Gellatly and the very definition of irony:

Yeah... he REALLLY went there.


That IS "the real story..." just not quite the way Brian means it.

David's behavior "leading to this" includes drug use.  It includes theft.  It includes DUI's, bench warrants and failures to appear.... with the odd eviction thrown in.

It includes attacks and direct threats against those wise enough to disagree with his incompetence.

And yeah, Gellatly's pathetic failure to do the right thing to rectify it IS despicable.  His failure to disclose who's paying for the lawyer is another mystery.

And his RINO cult of enablers is just as culpable as he is.

So, yeah.  To that end, I'm sick of David Gellatly as well.  That he would actually sue a PCO over this shows both his insanity and that of those helping him.

But when the evidence suggests that he's at least used coke, meth and methadone... I suppose this kind of idiotic outcome is what we should have expected.

I almost feel sorry for him.  But the problem is that his efforts to destroy someone else's life along with his efforts to threaten and intimidate me have actually beaten that out of me.

The party is an ongoing train wreck thanks to him and those enabling him.  But soon enough, it's looking like they'll all be gone.

And that day can't happen soon enough.

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