Friday, April 20, 2018

To run or not to run against Hoff in the 18th... that is the question.

I hold no illusions about winning... besides, like Groucho once said: "I wouldn't be a member of any club who would have me."

But with the departure of Ley, that only leaves that pathetic political coward of a creature Larry Hoff, "Gas Tax" Rivers' sockpuppet, behind... unless someone else steps up.

If I were to run, it would be as a Republican.  I'd use the platform of a candidate to expose the pathetic, back-stabbing, behind the scenes corruption of party leadership, and I'd be going to a great many debates to level Hoff on the issues... of which, he is completely ignorant and of which, he will merely do what Rivers tells him to do... and, as we know, Rivers has been little more than an abysmal waste of skin for the past 3 years.

Among other things, I'd do what Hoff refuses to do:

I'd respond to the questions of those I'd represent... even when I disagree with them.  I wouldn't block them merely because they ask how he would have voted differently than Rivers on the gas tax, on tab fees and on this horrific property tax explosion she caused.

The answer, of course, is that he'd be in lockstep with her: Hoff would have voted for all of those AND he would have voted to protect their communications with the special interests who own them in the legislature.

I'd vote my district.

I'd tell Rivers to change parties and stop lying about her political affiliations.  After all, Strategies 360, a democrat campaign firm, bought her once before while she was "negotiating" the budget... she might as well go whole hog and just tattoo a "D" after her name... like her leftist voting record tells us she actually is.

Unlike Hoff, I would oppose all tax and fee increases.  And unlike Rivers, I would keep my word.... "how business is done" notwithstanding.

Wouldn't that be fun?

I'd blow off the democratian's editorial boards and guess what?

THEY WOULDN'T ENDORSE ME!  Wouldn't that be sad?

No... I couldn't win.  I'd become the new Madore in the media; the rag would beat on me like a drum.  They'd make my family suffer in their rabid desire to destroy me, because I stand as the loudest voice calling for their destruction and replacement with... not a conservative publication, but a fair, even handed effort that would tell you what actually happened the way it actually happened, and let you figure it out for yourself.

You know, without any "help" from them?

It's something I think about as I occasionally observe the fake campaign of Hoff, where he tries to confuse the voters into thinking he's a conservative, and that he's actually doing something besides name dropping.

"Kim Wyman this... Ridgefield Barbie that..." providing an ever-growing list of reasons to vote against him if a baboon was his only opponent.

All that Credit Union money... because THEY know what side there bread is buttered on, and if Rivers allows it, he'll be their legislator-lobbyist if he can.

"But... but... that might keep him from getting elected.  MAYBE, even get a democrat elected!"

Since he's going to vote like a democrat anyway, so what?

Yeah... I think about it.  A lot.

Who knows?

Stranger things have happened.


  1. Exactly what I want to hear. Go for it.PCO 940

  2. You know what I think.

    We're putting up billboards on May 12,13th. You can still get yours made cheap before then, and I'll help you lay them out.


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