Sunday, April 22, 2018

Something else to think about when it comes to local politics: when your GOP Chair tries to play idiotic bully by SUING a PCO.

I've never been able to wrap my head around the idea that ANYONE could get so butthurt that someone believes being referred to as an "embezzler" in a PRIVATE email means they have to sue someone.

It's particularly moronic when that someone is SUPPOSED to be an adult and a leader and someone who has the mission of furthering Republican political success against democrats... instead of conservatives.

Folks tend to dislike it when a bully tries to beat people up, literally or figuratively.

Well, the local Emperor of the GOP thought that picking one out of the herd and trying to crush him would shut everyone else up that was opposed to the insanity he represents.

Well, The Lord Himself could not shut me up about the rot and corruption Theft 3 represents.

That said, many have rallied around the victim of Davey's brainless stupidity.

Theft 3 has been known to attack, belittle, denigrate and lie about others publicly and often.  He can certainly dish it out, but he has had a difficult time taking it.

In this instance, a group of those who support the opposition to Theft have banded together to provide as much financial support as they can to help him bear this crushing financial burden that the scumbag Chair of the local GOP has imposed upon him as punishment for opposing his Nazi-style takeover of the local GOP at the behest of the RINOs who own him like the 13th Amendment was never passed.

The latest fundraising effort brought in $5000 to support the victim of the lowlife Chair trying to ruin his life and that of his family. The money that might otherwise go to RINOs will instead be going to Richard.

Theft's victim in all this will never be abandoned.  Richard... and we... will never give up.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.”

Sir Edmund Burke

I will never stop.  And neither will the rest of us who support him.

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