Thursday, April 19, 2018

Is it better to vote for the fake Republican or the real democrat?

A purely political/philosophical question to be sure.

We're infested by fake Republicans here in Clark County.

But how does one even know what a fake Republican is?

Well, a genuine Republican votes like one.  A genuine Republican represents their district and does what those people want.

Politically, they live the GOP platform. They believe in smaller, cheaper and more efficient government.

They view their position as a sacred trust to the area they represent.  They do not make their own agenda superior to that of the people.  They understand that the voters in a given district have not delegated their judgment to them; they understand instead that their judgment MUST reflect the will of their district.

Because if it doesn't... then why even bother to have a representative government?

When you look around at our exploding property taxes and the mushroom cloud of the most recent gas tax explosion, (particularly now that gasoline prices are again heading to the stratosphere) many automatically blame the democrats for that outcome.

They're unaware that, for example, the democrats didn't control the legislature until August of 2017.  They don't understand that these massive tax increase sellouts were the product of the GOP-controlled state Senate.

Here, for example, is the list of Republicans who voted to implement Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers' gigantic property tax increase:

Barkis (R)Caldier (R)Chandler (R)DeBolt (R)Dent (R)
Graves (R)Griffey (R)Haler (R)Harris (R)Klippert (R)
Kristiansen (R)MacEwen (R)Manweller (R)McDonald (R)Muri (R)
Nealey (R)Smith (R)Stambaugh (R)Stokesbary (R)Walsh,J (R)
Wilcox (R)Young (R)

Angel (R)Bailey (R)Baumgartner (R)Becker (R)Braun (R)
Brown (R)Ericksen (R)Fain (R)Fortunato (R)Hawkins (R)
Honeyford (R)King (R)Miloscia (R)O'Ban (R)Pearson (R)
Rivers (R)Rossi (R)Schoesler (R)Short (R)Walsh (R)
Warnick (R)Wilson (R)Zeiger (R)

My own property taxes went up around $900 this year, of which these fake Republicans are totally and completely responsible for around $700 generally, and Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers (D-Strategies 360) is responsible for particularly.

There's no excuse, reason or justification for these massive increases, of course.  And no genuine Republican would have voted for any of them.

They did, in effect, what the democrats wanted them to do, and cost those of us paying the bills billions upon billions of dollars for what amounts to absolutely nothing.

That brings us to the question, then: why vote for these fake Republicans who ran on these promises, instead of the democrats who wanted these things done?

Most of the people on this list, like most of the GOP members of Congress, ran on a platform of getting rid of Obamacare.  Here we are a year and a half later... and is it gone?

So... why reelect them?

My district (the 18th) does NOT want the CRC/Loot Rail scam resurrected.  So why did 2 of the 3 representatives from this district vote to do the very thing this district does NOT want?

And here at the county level, we're cursed with a county council where the fake Republicans are indistinguishable from their democrat opponents when they ran for election.

They've increased every tax and fee they can.  If reelected, they will CONTINUE to do so, and the county chair is such an incompetent that he has been banned for life from running his own campaign finances.... while he runs an almost billion dollar budget!

Here's the thing: labels are meaningless.  If they vote like a democrat, that's really all that matters.

Which begs the question:

Why is it better to vote for a fake Republican RINO who is ONLY a Republican around election time... instead of a democrat, who is pretty much a democrat ALL the time, even to their own electoral detriment?

I would never, for example, even consider voting for any of the names on the list I provided above.

I don't DO the "settle for" vote.  I don't DO the "hold my nose and vote for them because of the party label" vote.

We're told by the establishment types that want these RINOs in that a Republican who votes your way 80% of the time is not your enemy.

As if the 20% they want to hammer you with doesn't matter.  Well, what if that 20% included, say, removing the Second Amendment?  Or even the first?  Following their reasoning, we're supposed to view the totality of the Candidate and ignore what they've done.

For example, when Marc Boldt was elected, 5 RINO former GOP chairs here locally endorsed him and even went so far as to ASK US to ignore his voting record and vote for him ANYWAY.
Former Republican chairs endorse Boldt for county chair
Sep 16, 2015  4 
We former Chairs of the Clark County Republican Central Committee endorse Marc Boldt for Council Chair. Taken together, our leadership of the GOP in Clark County extends from the 1980s to the present decade. We are well acquainted with the character, experience, and track record of Marc Boldt. Our familiarity with Marc was first as a colleague working on campaigns, then as a candidate for office and popular State Representative, and then as county commissioner. 
While we don’t individually endorse all of his votes during that very long period of his service, and some of them concern several of us, we value Marc’s character, collegial temperament, ability to listen as well as to lead, and maturity in addressing different points of view. Furthermore, his perspective as a farmer, truck driver, and small business leader is essential on our council. 
We are concerned that the write-in campaign for another Republican will lead to the election of the inexperienced Democrat. We believe the Democratic candidate’s election will not lead to optimum economic growth in our county and we therefore believe Marc Boldt is the best choice for council chair. We ask voters of both parties and independents to select Marc Boldt for council chair. 
Ron Rasmussen, Sr., Vancouver
Ann Donnelly, Vancouver
Mike Gaston, Vancouver
Margie Ferris, Vancouver
Brent Boger, Washougal

"We are well acquainted with the character, experience, and track record of Marc Boldt. Our familiarity with Marc was first as a colleague working on campaigns, then as a candidate for office and popular State Representative, and then as county commissioner."

Well, I worked with him for 6 years and lived with him for at least 4.  No one is more "acquainted" with his "character, experience, and track record" than I am.  And as Chair, he has been the complete and utter disaster I knew he would be, such a terrible leader that when they fired the county executive, Boldt claims he expected 60 applications for the job... and he was disappointed to only get 22.

Gotta wonder: why is it nobody wants to work with this clown?

The reason these people endorsed Boldt is simple: they despised the conservative running against Boldt and frankly, their lie about Boldt's opponent was just to provide them with political cover.

The establishment, then, wants you to vote for whoever they want you to vote for... in this case, their candidate being someone WHO PROFESSED HE WASN'T EVEN A REPUBLICAN.

Gotta wonder: why is it OK for the Establishment to tell you to vote for someone claiming to be an independent, but not OK for you (or me) to vote for someone who isn't a Republican?  You know... like Boldt?

As a result, for me, I say, it all depends.  Because when a "Republican" votes against me on the issues that really matter AT ALL?

Then yeah.  They are my enemy.

If you're going to BE a Republican when you're elected, then VOTE like one, ALL THE TIME.


Yeah.  You're my enemy.  When you lie like Rivers?  Then yeah; you're my enemy.  When what you do hurts the people?  Yeah, you guessed it.

Being an anything, a Republican OR a democrat, does not mean you must suspend your disbelief or your common sense.  It does not mean you must bend over and take whatever these people hand out and then be grateful for that variety of abuse.

You're not a robot, a political automaton that does what you're told.  You're an adult with a will of your own.

Your job is to go out there and find out what those elected to do the people's business are up to.

Know when they've done well; know when they've done badly... ignore the hype, ignore the sales pitch and vote accordingly.

Remember: we have the government, good or bad, that we deserve.  Your vote makes you responsible.

I can't answer the question for you... only for myself.  And what you do is up to you.

Don't take my word for it: do the work and discover for yourself.  But be RESPONSIBLE for your choices... and ignore the herd.  Remember what happens to the lemmings.

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