Monday, April 30, 2018

Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers and the lie of the "one year bump."

I've got to wonder: Is Rivers certifiably insane?
Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center, one of the key negotiators in the funding package, said she’s heard significant concern from her constituents who, she said, don’t recognize their increased tax bill is a “one-time bump.”

“It’s short-term pain for long-term gain,” she said. 
Let me rephrase for Gas Tax:

It's OK if I shoot you this year... you can heal next year.

You see, I do understand Rivers' lie that it's a "one time bump."  It's simply not believable.

But then, with Gas Tax Rivers' record of lying on taxes and fees, what is it that Rivers says about this that IS "believable?"

It is a MASSIVE, UNCONSCIONABLE, INEXCUSABLE increase in our property taxes which, even if it were to completely disappear next year would STILL be inexcusable!

Besides the obvious fact that it is NOT a "one time bump," EVEN IF IT WERE, THE PAIN THIS YEAR FOR MANY IS REAL.

How the hell was the GOP-controlled Senate thinking that this would be... in any way... "acceptable?"

Is it any wonder the GOP lost control of the state Senate?

And WHAT "long term gain" is that woman babbling about?  What will those of us paying the bills get out of this except a smoking check book?

A commenter below the article describing Rivers' insanity says it best:
Dick Rylander · Battle Ground, Washington

A couple of pieces of food for thought:

1) 2019 will see a 1x reduction in property taxes of $.30/$1000.

2) 2020 the 1x reduction will be gone and, along with any assessed value increase in 2019, will lead to an increase in taxes again.

3) The $1.50/$1000 levy is already under assault. The State Superintendent (Chjris Reykdal) along with some superintendents across the state, is asking the legislature to increase the $1.50 to an estimated $2.31/$1000. On a median priced home in CC ($350,000) the change from $1.50 to $2.31 would take the $525 levy to $808 (a 53.9% increase).

Although the carbon tax and capital gains tax efforts failed in the legislature they are sure to return. Democrats say they want a more balanced tax system and that they would reduce property taxes if other taxes were implemented. In the end, the one thing that's sure, is that tax increase efforts will continue as expansion of government and redistribution of wealth are pursued.

And this, you see, is the thing: with the clueless GOP morons who voted for this in office and running for re-election... why on earth should anyone ever vote for a GOP legislator again?

Folks, there was zero reason... none... for this increase.  Supporters of this insanity will point to the state Supreme Court McCleary decision as their excuse.  The problem was that is the Court had no right or ability to force the Legislature to do anything, and the Legislature's only job here was to tell the Court to drop dead.

But what did the GOP-Controlled Senate do?

They rammed this massive, humongous tax increase in and then broke it off instead.

Rivers, in the article, continues to insist as she babbles that this is a "one year increase."

That is simply a lie.  There is a minor decrease next year, and then in the follow on year, 2020, the 2019 decrease will disappear, and then the taxes will continue to increase.

Rivers, obviously, doesn't care about the damage she inflicted on her district.  Tens of millions of dollars will be sucked out of the local economy as the people of this county generally and her district particularly scramble to pay HER bill... that we never should have seen in the first place... and which was most CERTAINLY NOT the County Assessor's fault.

Here's the idiot list that voted for this stupidity.

Vote accordingly this November.

Barkis (R)Caldier (R)Chandler (R)DeBolt (R)Dent (R)
Graves (R)Griffey (R)Haler (R)Harris (R)Klippert (R)
Kristiansen (R)MacEwen (R)Manweller (R)McDonald (R)Muri (R)
Nealey (R)Smith (R)Stambaugh (R)Stokesbary (R)Walsh,J (R)
Wilcox (R)

Angel (R)Bailey (R)Baumgartner (R)Becker (R)Braun (R)
Brown (R)Ericksen (R)Fain (R)Fortunato (R)Hawkins (R)
Honeyford (R)King (R)Miloscia (R)O'Ban (R)Pearson (R)
Rivers (R)Rossi (R)Schoesler (R)Short (R)Walsh (R)
Warnick (R)Wilson (R)Zeiger (R)

Locally  Paul Harris was the only one to betray us in the House.

In the Senate?

King, Braun, Rivers and Wilson are the ones who bent us over.

And one of the morons who voted for this now runs the House GOP: Wilcox.

No, Senator, there is no gain for those of us paying the bills.  But there sure is for the special interests who own you like slavery was still legal.

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