Thursday, April 26, 2018

A defining moment for the Trump Administration: the extortion by illegal aliens

As the so-called "illegal alien caravan" arrives at the border, we've reached a defining moment in the Trump Administration: what, exactly, does he intend to do about it?

This is one of those times when he finds himself in a box of his own making.  Like most Americans, his position is one of stronger borders and opposition to the law breakers leaching off our economy, the gang members terrorizing our communities, stressing our tax-paid social services, our education systems, our low-income housing systems, our welfare systems and so on.

Most reading this are well acquainted with the issues.  What it boils down to is this: what is Mr. Trump going to do about it?

With the leftist deep state foaming at the mouth to injure both the president and this country, they will do all they can to see Mr. Trump fail in his efforts to keep these law-breaking tools out of our country as opposed to the catch and release or whatever they've called this wink-and-a-nod border violating policy that's been so in vogue for so long.

Mr. Trump has drawn a line in the sand with this situation.  I believe if he fails here... and anything besides keeping these people out will BE a failure... it may be the beginning of the unraveling of his Administration.

The first rule of leadership, you see, is never promise nuthin' you can't... or won't... deliver.

If these people cross this line... our border... there will be no end to it.

The whole world's watching, Mr. President.  You have to find a way to put a stop to this.  You can't cave again like you did on the budget.  You can't compromise since there is no compromise that would result in the expulsion of these illegals.

This is literally the biggest challenge you've faced.  You have to find a way to get it done.

Yes, Mr. President, the whole world's watching.

And so are we.


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