Sunday, March 18, 2018

The hypocrites and the school blow off. (The so-called walk-out)

So, is the little temper tantrum the kiddies and their keepers threw in schools across the country over yet?

I watched snippets of it... how could I avoid it?

And... I found the whole thing sickening.

To me, death is death. The "how" of it isn't nearly as important as the destination. But clearly, SOME deaths are absolutely acceptable. It's only the deaths the media TELLS us are NOT acceptable that causes these hissy fits.

As a parent, I can't even begin to imagine the pain and agony the families of those killed are suffering...

Yet rivers of blood run on our nation's highways from teenagers... particularly those texting while driving.

Where's the sturm and drang about THAT?

Yes, it's been a tragedy. Yes, lives have been altered and lost forever by this school... and other... mass shootings.

But I'm reminded of a saying first uttered by Stalin:

"The death of one is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic."

In 2016, 762 were slaughtered in Chicago... more than all school shootings, ever, in this country combined.

Who "walked out" over that?

That's almost a "Parkland" EVERY WEEK.

Where was the outrage in these punks about that? Do they even know? Do they even care?

What's the matter... aren't those destroyed in Chicago... St Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, Oakland and so on white enough for the snowflakes to give a damn?


That's almost 25 Parklands per month.

That doesn't include the in-excess of 300,000 injured.

Where's the outrage over that?

And that's the hypocrisy of all this.

There's a flood of teenage blood out there, and all of the focus is based on the, statistically speaking, comparative paper cut of school shootings.

It's the medical equivalent of focusing on a cold while ignoring the cancer.

There are a great many ways to deal with the 8000 pound gorilla of the slaughter of our teens on the highway... but while everyone seems to have the will to violate our Second Amendment rights, no one wants to address the deaths of tens of thousands that have taken place with the advent of the ability to text and drive.

Florida, among others, has increased the age of anyone wanting to purchase a gun to 21.

You can be a veteran, a combat veteran at that; you can have a squeaky clean record, and you can be denied the right to purchase a firearm because you're not 21.

Meanwhile, texting while driving in Florida, as in most all states, has been a blood bath in that same demographic.

But, by God, let 17 kids get shot in a school, and all hell breaks loose.

There were 50,000 "texting" crashes in Florida in 2016; 40,000 injuries and 233 deaths.

Swimming pools full of blood that seems to increase every year. But we are going to fix the school shooting issue by, once again, punishing those who obey the law by reducing THEIR right to purchase a firearm as if such a law would... or will... make any difference at all?

Raising the age to purchase a firearm is an obvious slap in the face to these adults. We question their judgment and responsibility... but we tell them in almost every other area of their lives, they have EVERY right.

Talk about a mixed message.

As for me, if we're going to question the judgment of 18-year-olds when it comes to purchasing a weapon, then what the hell are we doing allowing the teenage driver bloodbath to continue?

Can't buy a gun?

Then you can't drive, either. Because the idea that a 16-year-old in a 400 horsepower car is somehow GOING to be more responsible than a 19-year-old buying a weapon... even a 19-year-old combat veteran... is insane.

Vote? Forget about it. Repeal the 26th Amendment. Put the voting age back up to 21, because of course, if you're not mature enough and responsible enough to own a firearm, then how the hell can you POSSIBLY be mature enough and responsible enough to have the judgment needed to vote?

And if we REALLY want to save teen lives, then get them off the roads.

In 2016, 2150 teenagers were killed on our nation's highways. Tens of thousands were injured.

If they weren't allowed to drive, imagine how many of them would still be alive today... and of those who lived, how many of them wouldn't be crippled or otherwise scarred for life.

This slaughter goes on every day, day in and day out. Over 125 Parklands EVERY year.

You want to see these same kids, so concerned over the deaths in Parkland, lose their collective minds?

Get them off the highways to save THEIR lives DIRECTLY, and they would protest all right. They'd be a HELL of a lot more involved since it would directly impact THEM.

And that's why I've arrived here: If you're going to do this garbage?

Do it on your OWN time and NOT the time I'm paying for with my tax dollars.

Students and staff who disagreed with this idiocy around the country were suspended because they choose not to agree with it.

Every day, at least 9 teenagers are killed while texting in cars in this country. Are they walking out over that? Are they demanding that their cellphones, which are the cause of texting and driving, be taken away from them? Are they demanding an end to licensing teenagers? After all, if we yanked their licenses, we'd save a hell of a lot more lives than we are through THIS idiocy.

Of course, they're not. THOUSANDS of kids are slaughtered on our highways every year. Where's the march to demand an end to teenage driving?

Nowhere. So, save it. This thing reeks. And there's no altruism about it as THEY become the FIRST group to ever march against the Constitution and their own rights.

Expel them and fire the staff. Because I am NOT going to listen or support this insanity.

There are a great many obvious ways to address this issue if we REALLY wanted to. There ARE steps that CAN be taken.

Cellphones know when you're moving. Require carriers to install software that will make the messaging apps inoperable unless you're at a standstill.

Require car manufacturers to install electronics that will block cell phone data/messaging functions unless you are not moving.

If "distracted driving" is getting us killed... and it is... then end the reasons for the distractions.

Take it out of the driver's hands.

And yeah, I know, that would be an annoyance for kids and even adult passengers. How can we possibly get to the grocery store without being able to update our Facebook status along the way, or texting Suzy to let her know you're going to buy chips?

But the reality is simple: there's a slaughter going on every day and we sit on our thumbs and do nothing about it.

No one protests. No one walks out. No one really does a damned thing that will make any difference. And the blood continues to flow.

Instead, we focus on punishing those who actually follow the law by penalizing them... again... for the acts of a nutjob. The Titanic is sinking, and we're arguing about the china patterns in 2nd class.

Sometimes, keeping people alive can be annoying as hell... until you consider the alternatives.

But these deaths are acceptable. It's like running someone over in a crosswalk. Do it and you'll get popped for negligent homicide. Pull up next to them and put a bullet through their head and you go down for murder.

Even though, in the end, dead is dead. A crosswalk death, however, is much more acceptable than a shooting death.

And in Parkland, it was shooting deaths. On our highways? Death seems to be OK, considering how no one is doing anything about it.

And no one is walking out over it.

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