Friday, March 23, 2018

President Trump, PLEASE veto this budget!!!

Clearly, you're thinking about it... well, call congressional leaders in, sit them down and TELL them what they have to do.

This is the same track they used to ram Obamacare down our throats... a MASSIVE bill, with no time to read it, because as you recall the Belle of Botox telling us, "we have to pass the bill to see what's in it."

Massive spending increases, INCLUDING Senate and House office increases and major increases in payroll.

Rewarding democrats with sanctuary city spending, planned parenthood, public broadcasting and a wide variety of wasteful, expensive programs that will accomplish what it always does:


President Trump MUST veto this budget. And this is the kind of reason why people despise Congress.

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Naturally, the clueless moron representing her special interests voted for this: our disgrace of a Congresswoman who has been an abysmal failure since she was parachuted in to "replace" Brian Baird, never mind that more often than not, she voted like him while lacking the guts to face her constituents, literally, for years.

THESE are the kind of spending idiots the local party supports because they continue to fail to hold any of these clowns, at any level, accountable for their continuing betrayal of the American people.

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