Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Davey G goes full blown hypocrite on the leftist C3G2 hate site. Looks like someone's thinking about running in the 49th.

It's no surprise that ol' Davey has started hanging out on the C3G2 hate site.  After all, when you've got those bubbling political aspirations, you have to vent them somewhere.

The problem here is that what he's saying is so factually untrue, so rankly hypocritical that they are simply beyond belief when Davey is the source.

"No matter what your view on the issue was, for elected representatives, it is always important to remember what it means to represent the constituents rather than impose one's own will over the will who put them in office."

It's pretty clear that the majority of so-called Republicans in elective office around here would rather cut off their left hand than "represent the constituents rather than impose one's own will over the will who put them in office."

Unless, of course, it was our will to have our gas taxes and tab fees explode.

Unless it was our will to have our property taxes explode.

Unless it was our will to have these people raise the Titanic of the CRC/Loot Rail scam.

Unless it was our will to have our licenses cost more if we're a citizen than if we're an illegal alien, or to extend our tax dollars to them so they can attend our universities using our money, reducing the available slots for citizens of both this state and this country.

Unless it was our will to begin imposing massive fees again so the county can waste the money on bigger, more expensive government.

Unless it was our will for the 4 Stooges at the county level to jack up our property taxes 3% over 2 years.

Unless it was our will for those same Stooges to ignore our will, expressed at the ballot by an advisory vote on the CRC/Loot Rail scam.

And you know what?

We don't know if that was the will of the people around here because none of these people ever bothered to ask us what WE wanted.  Too much trouble, you see,,, and oh my Aunt Harriet, whatever if we said "no?"

See, with Davey, he's pretty much mastered the art of telling people what they want to hear... and lying his ass off in the process.  And he tries to destroy those who oppose him... with frivolous lawsuits, for example.

In this case, he's trying to scam his fellow leftists by setting them up for a run, I'm thinkin'.

Well, I do hope he runs.  Because you can rest assured I will legally do anything and everything I can to make sure he loses.

Because as unfit as the fake Republicans in Clark County are to hold elective office... Davey makes them look like rank amateurs in that regard.

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