Friday, December 15, 2017

"Wreaths Across America" A waste of money.

Before I start this, let me reiterate that I, too, am a veteran. Fourteen plus years, Army.

Over the past couple of days, I've been seeing an ad on FOX Business news.  It sounded bogus.  I looked them up.  This is what I found:

The point of the Wreaths Across America situation is to lay a wreath on the marker of every veteran grave.

Join us on National Wreaths Across America Day
December 16, 2017

Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, our mission to Remember, Honor and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as over 1,200 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea, and abroad.

Well, here's the reality:  3 web pages of what amounts to crap.

Why do I believe it's a waste of money?

Simple: those who have gone on before won't care.

There is little doubt this will generate a LOT of money.  In fact, this entire scam is from a FOR-PROFIT wreath company.  Save for what this company proclaims, there IS no "National Wreaths Across America Day."

So, the point of all of this has nothing to do with the "CLAIMED" purpose of honoring veterans: on the contrary, the entire purpose is to MAKE MONEY FOR THE WREATH COMPANY THAT THOUGHT IT UP.

And they WILL make money.  Millions.  That they will keep.  Even the URL for the website, infers a nonprofit status.

And they're making it on the blood and sacrifice of those who've gone before and served before.

From the page that explains it all:

Should You Donate to Wreaths Across America? A Lesson in Charitable Giving

On Dec. 12, about 900,000 sponsored wreaths were placed on the graves of veterans by a nonprofit called Wreaths Across America. Every wreath was purchased from the for-profit wreath company that created both the nonprofit and the annual event.


Wreaths Across America was started by a for-profit company that makes and sells wreaths

According to its website, Wreaths Across America was founded in 2007 by the Worcester family. The patriarch, Morrill Worcester, is president of Worcester Wreaths, a for-profit wreath-making company. His wife, Karen Worcester, is the executive director of the nonprofit Wreaths Across America.
Every wreath used by Wreaths Across America is purchased with donated money from the for-profit company that started it, Worcester Wreath.

There’s nothing illegal about this. The related transactions were disclosed and, as I’ve explained, both the for-profit and nonprofit are upfront about their relationship. But anytime a nonprofit is raising millions from donations, then transferring a large chunk of it to a related for-profit, it’s time to start asking questions.

There's more in this article.

Let me say again: this doesn't appear to be illegal.

But it's also not based on any altruism and there are great many more ways to "honor our veterans" that can actually make a difference.

Excluding filling the pockets of those who would profit off of our loss.

In a few short days, the wreaths will be gone.  And in reality, what difference did they make?

If the people making bank off of this want to "honor" veterans, then let them "honor" veterans by using their resources to make a real difference.  Let them fund programs that actually change lives, that actually help, that, perhaps, actually put a roof over a homeless veteran's head or help to get them off drugs or alcohol or to provide retraining to enable them to be productive members of the civilian world.

As near as I can tell, none of the millions they'll make off of this will go to any of that.  And that makes this a waste of money.

At some point, my name will be on one of those markers.  Believe me, I'll be spinning in my box if any of those weeds are placed on my headstone.

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