Friday, December 01, 2017

Uh, oh. Davey Gellatly seems a tad upset that I blew the whistle on his incompetence. Again.

Tsk, tsk.

Memo to Davey: there is no such thing as "privileged communication" in the Clark County GOP.

Communications that are privileged as Insane Clown would like the term used, only gain that specified category under 4 distinct sets of circumstances:

Lawyer/Client, Marital, Medical and when all parties to a communication agree, in advance, to such privilege; and even then, that privilege does not extend to legal sanctity.  In addition, journalistic sources have some level of privilege depending on state law.

In short, Davey, anything you email out is subject to public disclosure, your hissy-fits notwithstanding.

That because of your routine incompetence, the local GOP is overdrawn at the bank, for example, is neither "privileged" nor to be kept from public view.

ALL of the party's finances are subject to public scrutiny.  That you don't like that is rather as meaningless as the rest of your tenure.  That YOU, PERSONALLY, are responsible for this stupidity?  Well, that's just par for your course.

Remember all those times I wrote that you were going to run the party out of money because of the disaster of your incompetent handling of the Lincoln Day Dinner?  Remember what you babbled about that?

Who was right?

Who was wrong?

That you refer to me as a "radical blogger" because I don't believe you should be let out in public without a keeper, let alone run a county political organization is particularly amusing, given your efforts, that YOU sent to ME, without ME asking, to trash Carolyn Crain a few months back... setting the example for every other board member.

Odd that, back when you wanted me to stick it to Crain you had no problem communicating with me... isn't it?

Think about it, Clown.  Why is it OK for YOU to send ME news (that I didn't ask you for) but not OK for any others to do the exact, same, thing?

Hypocrite much?

And then your bizarre email that you sent out to the board:

I will not sugar coat this, if you did not share information with anyone outside of this group, then you are free to say so.... The information shared with board members, such as if a charge was valid, is for us to work through. As with previous privileged emails which the group who attempted to disrupt our party had done, this is not for sharing with radical bloggers. If you want to be on this team, please be on this team. If you are looking to continue disruption to our party, please resign and allow us to move forward. There are others willing to fill seats if needed. This is addressed to you two because you two have distributed privileged and/or false information for publishing in the recent past and no one else in this email chain has. If this happens again, further action will be taken.

All Others, 

Please use caution when distributing information that is not 100% final or is meant for discussion. As with the group which the majority was removed by the majority of our party members, obviously we still have disruption from someone looking to smear the party. 


David Gellatly 
Clark County Republican Party

You have no magic wand, Clown.  You can't wave a scepter and make it something it isn't.

Just remember: if you weren't a clueless moron, I wouldn't have anything to write about, now, would I?

Can't stand the heat, idiot stick?  Do us all a favor: get the hell out of the kitchen.

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