Sunday, November 05, 2017

What does the current CCGOP Regime and the Soviet Union have in common?

Back in the day, particularly post World War Two in Eastern Europe, the Soviets would frequently claim they had taken control of what became the Warsaw Pact countries through "free and open elections."

What that looks like is up to the reader: one man's view of freedom may very well be another man's definition of oppression.

But MY definition of "free and open", while containing many things, does NOT contain threats or intimidation.

The Soviets would frequently kidnap leaders of the countries they were infesting and have little chats with these individuals in police stations and the like when they didn't just take folks out and shoot them if they dared to speak out or otherwise oppose the regime the Soviets wanted to... and typically did, install.

Torture would be used to get signed confessions, show trials would be held, prisoners sentenced to life or other long terms in gulags or prisons were the order of the day.

It also doesn't include ballots which can identify voters, another favorite tactic of the Soviets, particularly in their efforts to expel the Allies from Berlin.

In an effort to control the outcome, Russians used marked or different colored ballots.  That way, they could identify political opponents, many of whom found themselves living in the Russian Zone of Occupation which became first, East Germany and second, East Berlin.

The government of immediate post World War Two Berlin, known as the Berlin Assembly had control over various appointments (mayor, police commissioner, treasurer and the like) and a variety of other issues.  Initially, the Assembly met in the Soviet Sector, until their efforts to fix elections and intimidate electors became so overt that the Allies authorized the movement of these Assembly meetings to the Allied Sector, ending much of the intimidation and all of the marked ballots.

The Russians, you see, would nominate who THEY wanted... and those who spoke out against them?

Frequently wound up dead.

Regular readers are well aware of the tactics of the Clark County GOP chair.  Threats and intimidation are his shtick.

His winged monkeys don't care or don't believe it, but they haven't received the drunk texts late at night, or the threat of exposure of personal information or the lies such as the claim that I had received a dishonorable discharge as a result of an affair with a commander's wife.

The man lies like he breathes.

In everything from the post-midnight efforts to force me to meet with him to the cutsie threats, most recently this:

He's shown himself to be someone better suited for imprisonment than leadership.

But in addition to all of that, at the most recent corruption where he had his gutless followers do his bidding since the fix was in, Gellatly fell back on the Soviet-style tradition of using marked ballots.

He admits it in one of his many "can't wait to discuss internal party issues with a democratian reporter" pieces in the democrat newsletter.
"As to Wagner’s claim, Gellatly said the ballots were in fact numbered. But not to track how PCOs voted. He said ballots were marked to keep track of how many ballots were distributed. 
“If anybody was concerned, (they) could rip the corner off,” Gellatly said. 
He said most did before voting took place."
What's problematic is that Gellatly is a serial liar.

A thinking reporter, instead of one of these young morons working for minimum wage that has been brought on board the local leftist swindle sheet, would have, perhaps, talked to somebody NOT named Gellatly, and asked a few other questions:
So, is numbering the ballots standard procedure?
Really?  Then why did you do it on that particular night?
Well, uh, gee.... uh...
Couldn't you have numbered the ballots and then handed them out after everyone had sat down?  You know, at random?
Uh, yeah, I GUESS we could have.
When you say that "most tore off the number off before the voting took place," do you have any way to prove that?
Uh, well, no....
Yup.  Gellatly's answers sound totally legit, to a politically ignorant girl with a crush.
The only truth to the rumors? Herrera Beutler did provide pizza and beer for the meeting.
That WASN'T the ONLY truth.  (For example, the owners imposing a $2250 "fine" was not only true, the moron who wrote their article admitted as much. That he later withdrew it doesn't mean that, at the time, it WASN'T true... but that doesn't sound nearly as cool as giving Gellatly a complete pass, does it?)

And when you want your hero to shine, you can kind of try and connect the dots the way YOU want them to look... but hey, the democratian has NEVER done that, have they?

Yeah, it was very much a Soviet-style gig.  The unnecessary and unneeded muscle at the door, a serious effort to make what is supposed to be a public meeting private, a hired gun brought in without notice by the scumbag chair... marked ballots, never before seen to my knowledge.

Yup.  Nothing to see here as Davey does his best Joe Stalin imitation... and his winged monkeys won't care.

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