Wednesday, November 01, 2017

My disgust at the Clark County Youth Football League cannot be overstated.

I was stunned and sickened to read this article in the Reflector:
Hockinson youth football team shut out of playoffs due to success 
Hockinson’s seventh and eighth-grade football team is so dominant other teams are refusing to play them again
Jonathan Haukaas
Seventh and eighth grade Hockinson Hawks
Seventh and eighth-grade Hockinson Hawks tackle a Battle Ground athlete earlier this year in a Clark County Youth Football game. The young Hawks have proven to be one of the most dominant squads to ever come through the league, having outscored their opponents 272-34 this season.
Photo courtesy of Rachael Wheeler
Last week, Sean Mallory’s squad of stout seventh and eighth grade Hockinson boys were preparing for the Clark County Youth Football playoffs when he got a call from the league office. 
Although his team had won every game in decisive fashion, proving themselves the heavy favorites for a championship, the league office informed them that they would not be a part of the playoffs. 
Why? The other teams were refusing to play them.

The upshot of all of this is the morons running this league are punishing this team because of their pursuit of excellence.

They're punishing these kids... because they worked harder and have more talent than the other teams in their division.

Out of sheer gutlessness, the teams remaining refuse to play Hawks because they've given up already and believe they'd get stomped.

And because of that... and that alone...    the league has decided to punish these kids who worked so hard to achieve the success that has rightfully come their way as a result.

We look around at the snowflakes infesting us.  The products of inculcated victimology.  And we wonder, "Gee... how did that happen?"

This is but one of the many examples.

Those running the league are moral cowards, who shouldn't be allowed to run an elevator, let alone a league where developing young men and young football players of character should be job one.

As for me, I wouldn't be caught dead allowing my kids to play in a league like that.

Punishing success and blaming the obviously exceptional "management" of the Hockinson Hawks little league team as their excuse... holding a tournament to determine the first loser... all of that is both despicable and indefensible.  It sends a message... the wrong message... and each and every whining, sniveling punk involved in the decision should be removed.

This decision is despicable at the cellular level.  And those who made it should be ashamed of themselves.

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