Thursday, November 02, 2017

Even after confirmation, local leftists still cover for Jacks.

It's not like they give a damn about the truth when it involves one of their own, right?

Jacks denied it and the rag covered for him. To my knowledge, he never admitted his misconduct with female staff and the rag never really pushed him on it.  No problem there, right, Jim?

IMAGINE what these same people would be saying if Jacks had an "R" after his name.

Jesus... you people make me sick.

Jim Luce · 
Really? You really needed to print this AP wire story? It is very old news.
Jim Jacks served as a valued member of our City Council. As a State Representative his addiction led him to do something stupid. He apologized prosely. He resigned. And he moved on.
Jim and his family live in our community. He has for years been a valued member of the Portland State University. We are proud to count Jim as a friend.
If the Columbian really wants “the local angle” on sexual harassment, send out a reporter and write a story that is current. I hope you don’t find any but you won’t know until you do some real reporting.
LikeReply22 hrs
Jeffrey Gibbons
I am also hearing the same story on OPB so the Columbian is not the onlt news source to be publishing this. The original news story the Columbian published was from the AP.

While the Jacks story may be "old". the underlying issue about how the Washington state house "handled" the situation is a valid concern and perhaps deserves a second look. In any case the time for covering up this type of stuff is over.

Perhaps the next thing we need to concern ourselves will be the "guilty until proven innocent" response to these situations. People need to be held responsible for their actions but let's remember that a "charge" does not always equate to truth...

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