Monday, October 09, 2017

Speaking of the oil terminal, a brief chat about what I observed In San Diego on Wednesday

So I spent a few days in San Diego this week on business... Stayed at this hovel on the bay known as the "Hilton at San Diego Bay" or something.

Imagine my surprise when I looked out from my 14th-floor window and, to my surprise... saw this:

Huge oil storage tanks next to a railroad... next to the Hilton.  Gotta wonder: which was there first?

View from Room 1406, Hilton by the San Diego Bay

Another look at the oil storage tanks located next to the Hilton.

So, when folks come around and make the claim that the oil terminal somehow puts the bogus, taxpayer-subsidized waterfront development scam at risk?

Odd that it hasn't seemed to impact the multiple, huge hotels that have sprung up next to THIS kind of thing in San Diego... ain't it?

That wasn't all, of course.

There's a railroad track that runs the length of downtown San Diego... actually, right next to Petco Stadium... and the upscale hotels... like ours... the Marriot and others.  You can see it in these pictures.

And at about 7:20 this evening, I saw a train.

It was a long, long, long train.  it must have had at least 100 railroad cars.  Each and every one of them had one thing in common:  oil.

That's right.  Dozens of oil-filled cars running through downtown, up the coast, likely to the oil terminal/refinery at Richmond, CA.

Odd, isn't it?

Millions of gallons go through the heart of downtown San Diego in a place where a 2 bedroom condo goes for a paltry $900,000 EVERY DAY.

Nobody acts like the idiots opposed to a roughly similar operation in this neck of the woods.

No one lies about the impacts, whines about the obviously unaffected co-location of these multi-hundred million dollar hotels and a massive Major League Baseball stadium... among other things.

Nope.  Instead, they tend to, well, mislead about irrelevant crap that makes no sense here in San Diego and makes even less sense in Vancouver.

This area is at the other end of these developments.  Nobody is dying from it.  There's no excess pollution.  In short, none of the panic effort has seen the light of day down here... where it happens every day.

Just sayin'.

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