Sunday, October 08, 2017

SO. Just exactly WHO is "ripping the party apart?"

Is the local GOP being "ripped apart?"


The RINO contingent is certainly upset that a major push is underway to get rid of Insane Clown and his Posse.

But in becoming upset, they have deliberately turned a blind eye to his incompetence and his behavior.

There's a reason the RINO element wants this tool to keep the job of GOP Chair.

There's a reason the RINO's are turning a blind eye to his conduct.

There's a reason the RINOs remain silent in the face of Insane's lies, threats, efforts to intimidate and just plain ol' exaggeration.

There's a reason the RINO women around here could care less about his conduct when it comes to, well, "objectifying" women.

There's a reason the RINOs around here could care less about his fiscal incompetence.

There's a reason the RINOs around here remain silent in the face of total lack of transparency, particularly when it comes to his fantasy effort to get rid on Board members who've voted to get rid of him.

So, we're told, WE are "ripping the party apart."  Really?

It's those of us who oppose these despicable traits in a leader?  Those of us who object are at fault?


I don't think so.

Before anyone supporting this moron tries to attack those opposed to him, perhaps they should examine their OWN motives and conclusions.

Stop worrying about getting people elected merely because they have an "R" after their names.

You see, to me, it's better to elect an honest democrat than a dishonest Republican... a Rivers, a Wilson, a Weber, a Kimsey, an Olsen, a Stewart, a Blom... a fake Republican like Boldt... if ANY of this cost ANY of them their elected positions, then I support this effort 1000%.

There is more to political life than getting a dishonest, I'll-tell-you-anything-to-get-elected warm body into office.

So, yeah.  The party IS getting ripped apart.

But that's not the real question.

The REAL question is this:

Who, exactly, is doing the ripping?

The ever-shrinking concentric circles stop at one David Robert Gellatly and his Winged Monkeys.

If the RINOs have a problem with the party getting "ripped apart," they need to direct their concerns to him.

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