Wednesday, October 11, 2017

It's like the democratian hides out in a cave: In Our View - Dereliction of Duty

Herrera Beutler’s silence on vital issue of gun violence disservice to her district

Wow.  Imagine that.

This fake caricature of a congresswoman hides from a gun position, and the worthless rag of a newspaper finally notices?

Here's a clue: she does her best to avoid taking a position on almost ANYTHING.

Her number one job isn't representing us... it's getting re-elected.

That's why this coward fails to hold town hall meetings.  She can't be bothered and she's terrified that she'll say something "wrong."

Odd, however, that it took this singular issue for the democratian to FINALLY wake up.

As far as her positions on gun violence, it matters as much as Pelosi's position: not at all.

Slaughter goes on every day in leftist bastions like Chicago, and you don't hear the rag demanding either of our democrat US Senators come out and give THEIR positions on it, do you?

But that's really not the point.  In a word, Herrera has been an utterly miserable failure.  She says nothing, does nothing, accomplishes... nothing.

What is, for example, HER plan to address cross-river transportation around here?

Don't know?  Neither do I.  Neither does anyone else.

What about her positions on...

Raising the debt ceiling?
Illegal aliens?
Women in ground combat?
Her failure to take any meaningful action on Veteran Health Care?
We know of her betrayal on getting rid of Obamacare, so that one speaks for itself.
The sorry readiness state of the Military and what she intends to do about it.
Her plans to address infrastructure... roads, bridges and the electrical grid.  After all, Bonneville IS in her district.

By and large, Herrera has been a "Black Hole" when it comes to ANY controversy.

And the rag is surprised that she's keeping her mouth shut on guns?

Where have you people BEEN the last 10 years?

Herrera's ENTIRE tenure has been about using her child as a lever on publicity... like a jewelry accessory... to get the magazine articles, the news articles, the interviews.... 

And practically NONE of it has anything to do with her legislative accomplishments... since she has so few... if any.... to point to.

You can count the number of town hall meetings she's held on both hands and have fingers left over... a horrific lack that is far more important than any single issue... and except for the occasional "nudge," the rag has been mostly "wink, wink." on her failures there.

I was rarely one to agree with Brain Baird's politics.  But up until the end of his tenure, he was one for holding more town hall meetings in one moth... than Herrera has held in the entirety of her 7 year tenure.

It's exhausting work, to be sure.  But that's why she makes the big bucks.

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