Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The battle against Gellatly continues...

His most recent tactic on the Southwest Washington Opinions page, which has certainly blown up in his face, has been to bring in "friends" to fight for him since he cannot fight for himself.... lacking the ammunition and all.

So, what the page now has is an additional group of people, brought into SWWO... folks big on alcohol and strip joints... babbling a great deal who LITERALLY have ZERO ideas about what they're talking about, engaging in verbal combat while absolutely unarmed... or unconcerned... about the issues being discussed here.

Gotta wonder: how did Davey get involved with a guy running strip joints?

They'll tire of it in a bit; after all, they're not the first Hessians this country has seen and they won't be the last.  But unleashing the Puppies of Hell like Gellatly has will avail him nothing.

Davey's got issues.  Serious issues.  He needs help.  Serious help.

And I hope he gets that help.

But not on the GOP's watch.

Like most narcissistic types... like Obama... like Clinton...  he absolutely absolves himself from ANY responsibility for his current state of affairs.  He refers to those opposed to his chairmanship as "anarchists."

What kind of a massive ego would connect opposing his insanity to "anarchism?"

The reality is that responsibility for this battle rests with the ever-shrinking concentric circles that end directly in the middle of his chest.

Now, he's a punching bag, so punch-drunk he no longer knows when he's getting hit.  And all he can do is flail about in his stupor, whining and bitching and moaning... along with the Winged Monkeys he's brought in.... while he blames everyone but himself for what's happening here.

He holds himself blameless for any of this, save for patting himself on the head while he says:
5. I am aware it[sic] don't[sic] always respond to the egregius[sic] attacks perfectly. Certainly a learning experience walking into the divided party with extremist attack dogs waiting in the shadows at all times who will lie and smear anyone for their agenda
 No one here has lied more, exaggerated more, twisted more or smeared more (Really, Davey?  claiming I have a dishonorable discharge?) than this hypocrite.

Making such a statement like the one quoted above, in his mind absolves him of all of his past conduct and he simply can't understand why we should even discuss any of the underhanded, personal attack, back-stabbing crap that he's done... and continues to do.

Yup!  Time to move on!

He shouldn't be allowed to run an elevator, let alone a county political party; because here, in addition to his incompetence in dealing with volunteers and his despicable attacks on those wise enough to disagree with him, he's so wrapped up in himself that he has completely lost sight of what he is there to do:

Battle the democrats.

So, why isn't he even remotely interested in doing the job he's THERE to do, instead of engaging in this rank pity party (Everybody is mean to me!) while they sit there eating their popcorn and watching this high-speed come apart?

To coin a phrase, the question now is simple:

Is the party better off now than it was 2 years ago?

Hardly.  And Davey Gellatly is the reason.

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