Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Chief poisoner of South West Washington Opinions complains about, well, poison. (Gellatly)

In what is arguably THE most ironic thing I've read in politics, Chief Poisoner of the local GOP, David Gellatly, complains about, well, poison:

That no one has worked harder to "poison" this opinion page while working less to get Republicans elected while a member of the local GOP leadership is inarguable.

No one has lied more, insinuated more, attacked more, stooped lower than our own local joke of a CCGOP chair.  He is incompetent, petulant and the antithesis of a leader, volunteer or otherwise.  He has worked to crack the local GOP open like an egg and in that regard, he has succeeded masterfully.

Bringing in his strip-club buddy to attack, his group of sock puppets (which, as I suggested, soon tired of defending a guy they really knew nothing, politically, about... and how can anyone defend someone when they're completely ignorant as to what he's done?) and so forth to do his bidding didn't work. Most of them discovered that in fact, Davey isn't the "innocent victim" he likes to portray himself as being... and the bloom soon fell off THAT particular rose... his threats, direct and indirect... his efforts to intimidate...

No... there is poison all right... and it began with David himself, the resident narcissist.

And, of course, in his mind, "positive outlet for community opinions" is only limited to those who slavishly do his bidding... and who equally always support him and anything he does.

That he would commiserate with well known conservative Jim Moeller isn't at all surprising.

Yes, intellectual cowardice means running away.  And that's exactly what Gellatly is doing here.

Gellatly needs help.  Desperately.  And I hope he gets it.

But until he does, he's no more suitable to run the CCGOP than he is to run the Institute of Ethics.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is not at all.

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